Hello after a while away from the site!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Hello after a while away from the site!

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  • #36277

    Hi Val,

    Glad you are feeling up to coming back to the board again. I think that is the beauty of this forum, people ‘pop in and out’ depending on the circumstances and their need at any one time.

    Wishing you all the best,



    How did I miss your post? Great news and I am so happy for you. Dont worry about the breaks. We all need to take them sometimes and just focus on living and adjusting and being a person, not a cancer person. Let us know about the tattoo.

    Enjoy the wonderful life ahead.


    Hi again all! Thanks for your lovely comments!

    Lainey – I shall be 50 on April 22nd – hence the need to relive my youth! just to show there’s life in the old dog yet – or should that be lamb in the mutton?

    Marion – Thanks, I was very interested to see your post on the ‘mini-epidemic of cc on the Humber Estuary – there has to be a link with something in that area, I’m sure it’ll become clear in the fullness of time.

    Gavin & Julia – Thanks & bring on the shopping & the night out!

    Back on Facebook for the time bring but promise to look in on here every so often!

    Val x


    Hello Val – I’ve been “away” for a while, too, as I got completely overwhelmed, so I fully understand the need for distance at times. I’m very glad you’re doing well & look forward to you popping on here occasionally to pass on more & more good news from your doctors.

    I’m delighted with the CCF Facebook page – it’s great to be able to see people & hear how they’re are doing & to integrate both parts of my life. (As Marion has said on another recent post, “Our new


    Hi Val,

    Great to see you back here, and good to hear the reports from your last scans!I am sure that you will enjoy your concerts this year!!

    Best wishes,



    Val….so nice to hear from you. I much understand your feelins of reluctance of staying current on this board. It is just the name of the game with this disease. It has its highs and very lows. At times, it helps to take a break from it all. Be assured that we are always thrilled to reconnect with everyone posting on this board.
    Best wishes,


    Well, Val, it’s so good to see your smiling face again and welcome back! We are elated with all your good news and so, when is the big birthday and how young are you? You go girl and enjoy it all!!!


    Hi All!
    Just wanted to chip in after not visiting in a while.

    Things are pretty good on the CC front here. My final report (in January) on CT scan from November was that there was no evidence of recurrence. YAAY! My LFTs are still not entirely normal although improving, but I’m being checked on that every month so the surveillance continues. The wound is finally a scar & is starting to re-design itself – still numb areas so I’m still considering a tattoo – it won’t hurt there!

    I had a good chat with the surgeon in January & he said I should just get out there & get on with my life. So, as I’m finally starting to feel better & have enough energy to get through a day, I’m trying to do just that.
    The hives that I was getting turned out to not be a food allergy but Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria – the consultant wanted to know what stress I’d had over the last few months/years……..Yes, well, that was quite a list! And it’s a stress related condition.

    I’ve booked some tickets for big rock concerts in the summer, Pearl Jam in Hyde Park, London in June, Mika at the Eden Project here in Cornwall, there’ll be more things – it’s a big birthday year this year so I have to make the most of it, you just never know when the next comet will strike & turn the axis of your world off kilter again.

    I guess i haven’t been on the site for a while as I’ve sort of had to distance myself from a lot of CC goings on, I’ve been thinking about you all but sometimes it’s difficult to not start imagining what could happen later in the story & I’ve just needed to take my brain away from all that for a while.

    I feel like I know many of you now as friends so it’s a tricky balance. I’m delighted to see so many of you are turning up on Facebook – I can combine the two things there – ‘normal’ life, whatever that is (my Father is currently in hospital after we all went down with the winter vomiting bug currently running amok in this area, so now my Mum & I have sort of recovered we’re visiting the hospital every day – stress? what stress?) & CC friends along with other friends – that sounds great to me.

    I’ve read some posts today, so I know you’re all still giving the Leroys hell, lets all keep it up, take care all,
    love & best wishes, Val x

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