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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello Again Everyone

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    you are welcome.
    Take care.
    God bless.


    Surgery provides the only possibility of a cure;radiation treatments are options for LOCALLY advanced CC; systemic chemo are options as adjuvant or neoadjuvant treatments for patients with or without metastatic tumors.Liver transplant is another option but I do not think your brother will be qualified based on his current condition.
    The only other option is to join a clinical trial at the university hospitals or clinics locally.
    Again,the above is for information purpose only;consult your physican before any change is a must.
    Sometimes the patient’s gut feeling or instinct may serve him well;only your brother can decide what the next step will be. As a Patient MYSELF,I,with God’s grace, always try to compare my” quality of life” against of “the length of time I wish for.”
    CC is a long and winding journey that required courage ,knowledge and wisdom to navigate and the outcome is always in God’s hands.
    God bless.


    Thank you PCL1029. I truly appreciate this. I will forward this message to my brother so he can give us more information. My brother is 55 years old.
    God bless!


    Spoke with home. A stent could not be placed into my brother’s bile duct because the tumor in his liver is pressing it somehow so making it not available for accessibility. From what I understood, the tumor has to be treated first to make it smaller and hopefully allow access for the stent. It all began when he had abdominal pain and they had found a large tumor in his liver. This was treated by SERT that helped it shrink, and when they performed surgery on him hoping to resection his liver, they found other tumors making it inoperable further. This was almost 2 years ago. They started performing stem cell, radiation and chemo treatments until a month ago, he started to bloat, he had liquid in his stomach (which they drained), his legs started to swell, he started turning yellow, and he could not eat and started to lose weight. On Monday, they did an ultrasound on him to see if there was a way but the doctors concluded that there was none. They had told my family, that they could not perform the treatments until they are able to drain his bile duct. Hope that made sense. Is there any other way to dilate this passage way without using any chemo or radiation treatment?

    Again, any information would definitely be appreciated. Thank you.



    Anything suggested here are for information purposes only,CONSULT your doctor first for any change of treatment plans .
    my guest is that your brother has ductal CC. the treatment is DIFFERENT if your brother has intrahepatic cc.

    For ductal CC. PDT,SBRT, EBRT are suggested .(all are radiology procedures); all are palliative treatments.
    “Systemic chemo like gemzar/cisplatin may not offer an advantage for patients with ductal CC.;alternative choices include 5Fu or supportive care.
    In two small randomized studies indicated that biliary stenting with PDT therapy can prolong survival, compared to stent placement alone. clinical trial is another option .”(Tushar Patel Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol.8 April 2011)
    How old is your brother?
    What is his diagnosis ?
    What stage was he when the diagnosis was made 2years ago?
    Was the biliary drainage using stents inside the biliary tree,common bile duct to drain the bile internally or just surgically drainage to the outside .

    I suggest strongly get a 2nd opinion by an interventional radiologist.(a radiologist who performs special procedures like I suggested above-PDT etc.) to get a better idea of your brother’s situation.
    God bless.


    thank you Gavin,

    It seems like my brother has the same condition as your dad. You mentioned that your dad’s bile duct got blocked again. Did he have another option, so he could proceed with his treatment?

    Another point is that these past 2 years have pulled a strain on our financial funds. My brother is still young. Definitely a fighter, as up to this moment, he is still hoping and praying.



    Thank you Marion for your advise. I have re-posted my letter and am looking forward to hearing from you and others who can share.



    Hello everyone…

    My brother was diagnosed with CC almost 2 years ago. He has been doing well after receiving his radiation and chemo until recently when he started to bloat and turn yellow. They could no longer give him his treatments as his bile duct is blocked and can not put a drain as the hole/s will not have the catheter fit. I truly do not understand this, but if any of you do, and can heed any advise, or consolation, this would truly be appreciated. It has been difficult for me these past few days and pretty devastating as I live in the states and he is in Asia. Until they can fix the leak, then they can resume treatments. Is there any other way to drain or any other treatment to this kind of condition? I am new, yes, but I don’t know whom to run to or at least vent out how I feel. Thank you for having this forum for people affected by CC.



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