Hello and Thanks.

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello and Thanks.

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    A big hello to ‘Gail’s Only One’. Your sorrow is almost tangible. Your gratitude is very real. I have no doubt that Gail still guides you as she always did. You have been priveleged and blessed by such a special mother and you will continue to receive all that is good, from her. May she enjoy eternal rest. God bless and take care. RoseX



    Glad you found the best little discussion board in the world, it was also a lifeline for us. Please do share your mother’s experiences with this horrible disease when you feel it will help.

    Also, not sure if you are in the Chicago area or just love Chicago so much that you had to add it to your screen name but I think a Chicago area meeting is overdue, maybe more people will come out of the woodwork.



    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I think you summed up the whole point of the site and why Stacy and her family and the board started the Foundation. We are here for each other even those that dont feel comfortable posting or just need information.

    This is a terrible disease and the questions it brings can sometimes be a frightening as the cancer itself. The support here is amazing. Please keep on coming so we can help you if you need it. And it is wonderful that you want to share your knowledge as well. It is this spirit that helps all of us.



    Hi that was a lovely,uplifting post Janet


    Hello and welcome! I, too, am like you in that I found this site after my mom had passed away. But, reading all that people shared gave me additional insight. After awhile, I began to feel maybe I should/could share some of my experiences in the hopes that someone else can benefit. People here really do understand.



    Welcome kkchicago, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. It is true, it’s a wonderful group here and I am certain that there are many out there that can benefit from your experiences – as your experiences will be both valuable and important to others, so come back and share….

    Peace to you,


    Hello kkchicago….what a wonderful introduction from you. At times, I watch the board and look at the “guests” (on the bottom of the page) Many times, it must have been you.
    Thank you for sharing, thank you for taking the time to say thanks, and thank you for allowing us to know of your loving Mom.
    There might be a chance for a meeting. A conference in November might allow me to to say hi in person to those living in the area. Hopefully, you will be able to join us.


    Thank you, Lainy.


    We are very sorry about the loss of your Mother, our heartfelt prayers go out to you.
    Unfortunately this IS the Best little club in the world that no one wishes to join.
    It’s a club of caring, courageous and knowledgeable people. Thank you for letting us know that there are more people out there than we thought who are
    finding this Board.
    This is a journey that no one should have to travel. For sure your Mom is in a more peaceful place and never far from your heart and mind.


    I frequented these boards religiously for almost a year, but never registered or posted. However, I came tonight just to say thank you to everyone who shares on this board. My Mom was diagnosed in March of last year, and passed away January 8, 2009. She was my best friend, my greatest supporter and I am privileged to have been her only child.

    I did not come here in sorrow. Instead, I come in gratitude. I came back because I learned so much on this board. I knew the right questions to ask, I knew her options, I knew what would happen before it happened, and it was because of the lovely people and supporters who opened up and shared to a community of strangers on THIS board! This is THE best place for people who have to meet up with this disease. Even, if you come here and never say a word. Again, I wish to extend so much gratitude to everyone who maintains and/or contributes and shares on this message board. It’s so valuable, and important.

    When my Mom was diagnosed, she was stage 4, inoperable. She still tried chemo, and disc radiation but she had other complications and there wasn’t a lot that could be done. She had stents and infections, and so many things happen over the 9 month period that I can’t even type them all. So, I will still read the boards to see if maybe I can share from our experience in hopes that I can give back.

    In the meantime, thank you again. I wish everyone the best of love-peace-comfort-healing-friendship–answers-knowledge-recommendations-and everything else you come here seeking.


    Gail’s Only One. ~Kk

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