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    It’s a good day, Aiste!! Your Dad is sure proof of what a great attitude and humor can do to help one recover better. It also helps everyone around you ill or not. Your Dad is turning out to be a great poster boy for CC! Being cautious is OK but being scared uses too much positive energy. Be strong as it sounds like Dad is doing very well and I like the things you say about his ONC too. One of the best Docs I ever had, had no personality but there was something I liked so I made it my goal to make him laugh every time I saw him. It worked.


    Aiste, good to hear he is happy and moving around, it is good he made a friend in there,stomach cancer, like all gastro-intestinal cancers, is hard to beat too. sounds like he’s doing fine, God bless you all, every day will get better, Pat


    Also, my dad’s exact diagnosis is Klatskin tumor, I’ve read it is classified as hilar CC. When we are about to leave the hospital, we’ll talk to the oncologist in a more detailed way – the doctor speaks little but does a lot it turned out. He seems to be very happy when things get in control.


    Hello to all of you! I hope you’ve been doing fine. Today me and mum spent a lot of time with dad. He seemed a bit helpless, lost today, easily moved to tears but then a bit later he started telling the stories from his youth again and we got relieved .

    He is doing pretty well – the catheter was taken out and one other tube as well. Just one tube remains together with epidural anesthesia mechanism.

    He can go to the toilet on his own, started eating and asked us to bring some light food from home too, he feels hungry. He asked for natural yoghurt, boiled eggs, curds. I’ll read what he can eat more throughly too but we’ll bring him the food he asked for.

    He says he is happy I’ve found this site. He thinks it’s great to hear other people’s stories and to share his own.

    Another good news is – there’s one man in their ward whom we I can say made friends with – he had cancer in his stomach and his stomach was removed. Before, he had chemo treatment and today the doctor told him good news that cancer hasn’t spread and is in control and he is quickly recovering. We got very excited about the news and are keeping our fingers crossed for that great man who encourages my dad too. also, he gives him info about many things, they talk, share things, simply laugh and sure wish everyone all the best.

    I hope this complication free period will continue though I’m sure scared a bit too.


    So happy to hear he made it through surgery and is doing well. Praying for his recovery to go smooth and for much time for you and your family to have with him!


    Thanks for letting us know how things are going Aiste. I’m glad all is going well.


    Aiste, I was going to tell you that I had a slight fever after I got home from the hospital surgery. It lasted for about a week and a half to two week (was in the hospital 3 days after liver resection). The doctors weren’t concerned about it unless it got over 100 degrees F. It was considred a body reaction to the surgery…not an infection. It gradually just disappeared. If your dad’s is gone already, he is doing well.

    Julie T.


    Aiste, I was a little concerned about his fever, thanks for letting us know it has come down. It is good he is eating, I was all liquids, and on day 3 at 3 a.m. I was awake and suddenly extremely hungry, so hungry I was uncomfortable, the kitchen was closed, the nurse was able to put together a small can of chicken noodle soup and a carton of white milk from the family waiting area, it was the best canned soup I ever ate, and I like canned chicken noodle soup ever since…lol… they would not give me solid food until the doctor said o.k. seemed like in no time I was out of there yay! Back home with my dogs and my fireplace to relax by…. I am happy for all of you, hug that mother of yours, too much crying is not good for anyone, tell her Pat said all will be alright again soon, keep me updated, Pat


    Great news, Aiste, keep it coming and thank you for the update. We know you are very busy right now. Prayers still are coming!


    Hi again! An update on my dad – his temperature went down, the doctor said it was a reaction to the surgery and not an infection. He started eating a little and seems it is fine so far. Now the doctor says they keep their fingers crossed that the stiches inside heal well. They took one tube out of his belly already but one remains.

    He is in a good mood and talks a lot. I know he always talks when he is nervous. We hope for the best possible outcome.


    Aiste, your Dad sounds like the nicest, kindest person, a wonderful father. You can let your Mom know that it is not really known yet what causes CC. We have some suspicions but she definitely didn’t cause it. Sounds like he is getting along nicely and the best thing Mom can do for him is to be positive. He is trying so hard after the biggest surgery there is, to be a vision of hope for his family and I hope she changes her outlook and be more positive. The recuperation for CC surgeries can take a couple of months and I am glad you will be there to help bolster his spirits.


    Thanks everyone for the support and good pieces of advice again. Things seemed very well with dad but later he had temperature 38,3. We’ll see why. I’ll know more about his condition a bit later today and will sure update.

    The funny thing was that my dad kept remembering some funny episodes from his youth we have heard hundreds of times about :D It was great to listen to them again, when mum asked him to stay calmer, not to disturb himself, he told her he hadn’t spoken for 3 days and thus needed to talk.

    Another funny thing was that some other woman was looking for her husband in the ward and mixed my dad with him lol. She kissed him and then my dad told her it was cool but she chose the wrong guy to kiss :D

    My dad is so funny – he also observed the nurses in IC unit – he said one day all were dar-haired, the next day all were blond and then they all mixed up. The thing that annoyed him was the sounds from the machines in IC.

    I wish to believe his temperature is a reaction of his body to the operation. Now we hope to see him getting better. We miss him so much at home. We all live close and often visit one another, their home seems so empty now. But mum is suported by us too – we buy her food, sit, talk, laugh all together. She started blaming herself about dad’s desease, she says she was too spoilt, grumbled about trifle. It is complete nonsense and we’re trying to make her sure we just get ill because of many unknown factors.

    Dad misses home and his buddy – the cat Murphy :D who he takes as his family member too. We visit dad but Murphy cannot so he asked mum to spoil him a bit from his side too :)

    I’ll update on his condition later today. I wish for a bright, sunny day for all of you.

    Hugs from Lithuania



    I have to agree with everything that has already been said. It sounds like everything is moving in the right direction. I too like your positive attitude. Waiting for an update and more good news to come. :)



    Hi Aiste,

    That is great to hear that your dad is doing so well now after his op! The recovery will take time but it sounds like each day he is getting better and stronger and my fingers are crossed that this speed continues for him. Out of the IC is excellent news!

    You are doing everything right for your dad Aiste. In addition to what Lainy has said to you about writing questions down to ask, you may want to also write down the answers that you get to your questions about your dad. It is easy to forget what is said in meetings like these, especially when there is a lot of technical talk about stuff that you most probably are not familiar with. I speak from personal experience on this with my dad and forgetting stuff and I guess that many of us here have done that as well!

    You’re starting to sound a lot more positive and upbeat as well now, good stuff!

    My best to you and your dad,



    YIPPEE, Aiste, what great news! You see now where a winning attitude gets everyone thinking in that direction. I am so proud of the change you are making as I can see it in your posts. I think a good saying at this time would be that we try to be ‘realistically optimistic”. Your Father is doing great. It must have been such a relief for all of you to hear he was walking a bit. I am hoping now that your Mother will start feeling better. YES, keep talking to your Father just as you have been. There is no RX that can help as much as talking about Grandchildren, I know first hand! looking FOR MORE GOOD NEWS. Oh, and it is good to discuss with him how you all are going to help him. I am thrilled for you !

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