Hello Everyone, New Diagnosis

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello Everyone, New Diagnosis

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  • #52116

    Hey Katielinn,

    We started out at md anderson orlando, we had a consult at um sylvester this past week to see if he was a surgical candidate, they said no, and the only thing that md anderson offered was chemo.. I would love to explore the option of chemo immobilization.. please email dr info if possible..

    How is your mom doing?? I know its so hard for my children to see their dad in this condition.. I appreciate your kind words and thank you so much for the reply.. talk to you soon!



    Good Morning to all from Satellite Beach, Florida

    Thank God for this website, I have learned so much in the past few days about this diagnosis. My husband Greg, 58 years old, was diagnosed on June7th 2011. It was such a horrifying shock! But I guess it is for everyone, Greg has been in a hospital once in his life, when he was born, and that’s it.. Never been sick, and never took a prescription drug for anything..

    We are deeply saddened, but not at all going to give up until the fight is over.. He is refusing chemo right now, and have chosen to use some radical alternative methods, I know its controversial, but those were his wishes. it’s a bummer but a year ago his best friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, started chemo and was expired within 6 weeks, soooo he’s a little hesitant..he wants to be around for at least a little while.. He is becoming progressively weak, using a walker to ambulate, and has more weight than I care to mention.. he is not a surgical candidate, as the cancer is in all lobes of liver. the lower extremities are swelling up like balloons and he is wearing ted hose to help.. and his abdomen is starting to become hard, he says he is full all the time and can only eat really small portions. My nursing degree of 20 years never came in so handy.. however is blood work seems to be stable (other than the elevated liver enzymes) How high can they go???? and vitals signs are perfect..

    I am scared that he is declining so quickly, I am 44 years old, we have been married for 17 years and I am not ready to lose him yet..This website has made me feel so much better knowing all the people who are going through the same events..

    Well thank you all for listening and look forward to getting in on some discussions.

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