hello from spain

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    Finally the TAC was perfect so the doctors want to repeat the blood test the next month;
    They said that CEA is so high that if a tumor exist is impossible not found it.
    If next month CEA isnt normal they do a PET-TAC.

    We are happy because doctors say that problably is nothig.

    Sorry for my english…..


    Congratulations on the baby!
    Please try to relax, although I know how hard that is. Stress is not good! If the doctors are watching it closely, please believe in their knowledge. It’s the best he can do for now. Don’t believe it is bad, believe it is good! Our brains are powerful.
    Best wishes for tomorrow.


    Leticia….Each one of us understands your anxiety and can relate to it as well. Your physicians is watching closely; there is a good chance that the following tests results are different from the first or, that the rise of the CEA antigen is related to something else other than the cancer.
    A three months old Baby – how wonderful. Is it a boy or a girl – what name?


    Thank you very much for answering!!!
    What is going to repeat is the TAC. He havent got symptoms.
    We are very scared.we have a baby three months and my husband doesnt know if should watch it grow up.
    His prognosis is unknown until two years have passed.
    Tomorrow will make the TAC, hopefully everything goes well…..


    Leticia…..I would like to follow Kris in welcoming you to our site. In regards to your question of CEA tumor markers, this is what I have learned:
    The Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is raised in approximately 30% of patients with cholangiocarcinoma. It can be related to biliary obstruction, other tumors, liver injury. But, it is not definite.
    The physician will take in account symptoms, scan reports and blood tests. What is it that is to be repeated; the blood test or chemotherapy?


    I’m sorry I can’t help with this question, as I am inoperable. But I wanted to welcome you to our little family. And I wanted to say how great it is he was operable! Hopefully this is just from treatment. I’m sure someone will chime in with their experiences.
    Good luck.


    i write from spain
    in august my husband was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma distal.
    In september had surgery and bioosy revelated that they had two affected lymph.
    After many months of chemo and radio when we thought we were going to end ( on wednesday is he last chemo session ) tell us that the CEA is very high but Ca19.9 is normal.
    Already had the highest CEA and they did a TAC that came out perfect but gained even more and they want to repeat it.

    Has anyone had high CEA and had no recurrence?

    The doctor says it may be the treatment….

    Sorry for my english.


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