Hello group

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello group

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    A warm welcome, feeper…oh yes, surprise and disbelief often accompany the diagnoses of this cancer. In fact, those were the comments made by our physicians also.
    Often I think of this site as the universe of cholangiocarcinoma, as it has become a refuge to many. Certainly, it has been the case for me.
    Much information can be found here. The numerous links will lead you to informative and reputable places; the members on this site are the most caring and kind individuals, and there is a sense of community unlike any other place to be found when dealing with this cancer.
    As you have experienced already much support will be coming your way, as most approach this disease with a strong sense of hope coupled with a good dose of realism. Many issues are quite common to all however, there are other experiences very individual to the individual. All will be of great help to you.
    I am glad that you have found us.
    All my best wishes,


    Welcome Feeper – Take each day as it comes, never give in or give up, and stay connected to those who care about you. So many of us on this site have stories of hope to share. My husband was told he had 90 days and he lived 180. We were thankful for every day and it gave us time to take care of the business of living. We went on a family vacation with our children and grandchildren. We were so thankful for every day – even the hard ones. Our hearts are with you. Blessings, Susan


    Welcome Feeper. Never ‘resign’ to the fact that you have CC. I believe that YES everyone diagnosed with this cancer is ‘surprised’. At least both my husband and I were! He was just too healthy back then, three years ago. He is stage 4, inoperable, but still chooses to fight as best he is able. My husband was 61 when he was diagnosed and he just had his 64th birthday.

    He was given 6 months…..15 months ago. Just goes to show that no one has an expiration date stamped on their butt!

    Go with God, and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Hi Feeper,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined us here as you will get a load of support and help from everyone here. And I know too that you will find inspiration here as well from the great members.

    That is great to hear that you are at home and that your wife is there to look after you. I do hope that you will keep coming back here and I look forward to reading more of your posts. And please feel free to ask any questions and we will all do what we can to help answer them.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hello feeper and welcome to our wonderful family and so sorry you had to join us. I am very sorry about your prognosis but you just never know. We have Stage 4 members who have been around quite a while after their initial discovery. I really believe that attitude and being in a home such as you describe will get you further than anticipated. Please come and hang around with us and feel free to ask questions, vent or advise. And please keep us posted.


    I guess most were surprised by the diagnosis – I was… Mine was fairly advanced and has spread to liver and bone… I have had a wonderful life and 71+ years finds me comfortably ensconced in the home I grew up in with a loving wife looking after my needs. I receive chemo 1X a week. I may be too accepting of my fate and hope to find in the group inspiration to fight this cancer…

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