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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello, I am new to the site

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    Hi Kimcountry,

    Sorry you are here. as the rest of us, but this is a great place to get information as well as encouragement.

    Get more than 1 opinion, what 1 dr can’t do, another my very well know how too. I have found that in our case with my father, David Cook.

    Ask many questions of all the dr’s your friend see, answers will vary, however, usually the ‘positive’ dr will work harder to assist the patient. The ‘negative’ dr is more apt not to do anything more than just say, its nothing he/she can do. Its perhaps true, it nothing that one can do. Its good in a sense that they will not waste time . Then you can move on to someone who is ‘positive’ and really trying to find a positive outcome.



    I echo Marions – definitely encourage your friend to seek second/third/fourth opinions from major cancer centers. We’re in the process of compiling a list – where is your friend located? Perhaps we could point out some of the top oncologists and surgeons who deal with cholangio in your friend’s area.

    Big hugs to you and your friends.


    Dear Kimcountry,

    So sorry to hear about your friend, but am happy for you to have found us.

    I believe in gathering as much knowledge as possible, and this site will be a valuable tool in the quest for information, evaluating such and making informed decisions due to the vast knowlege others have accquired while encountering this disease.

    Of course, you might want to encourage your friends to collect all medical records, physician diagnoses, scans, blood test results, etc. in order to approach those medical institutions and physicians, who have been treating a higher volume of CC patients for second, third or even more opinions.

    When entering key words in the “search” function on this site, you will find that many questions you might have, others have already addressed. Reading through the posts is time consuming, but may proof itself to be highly informative.

    Don’t hold back from asking questions, may it be in the quest for navigating this site or anything else coming to your mind.

    Wishing for the absolute best for your friend


    I am a friend of someone who just found out that he has this cancer. He just went through the biopsy, now off to the races. I spend at least 4 days a week with this friend and his wife. They have become like the family
    I am totally upset by this news. If you have any advice for me I welcome it. I have been researching this online and this is how I found your group. Thanks for any help you may pass my way.

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