Hello, I ws diagnosed 6months ago.

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello, I ws diagnosed 6months ago.

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  • #52627

    Dear gornalgal, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. I am so sorry to hear about your husband and the lack of care he has received. Where are you located? I would gather up his medical records and tests and send them to what may be a larger hospital and a much better ONC for a second opinions. This just does not sound right. What kind of prognosis did his doctor give? Where is his CC located and did they give you a stage of his condition? It’s hard to advise without more information however, I would get to another doctor immediately. May I suggest you repost your Introduction under INTRODUCTIONS as I am afarid this one may be lost on our members. I know you will ger more answers that way.


    Hi, I’ve been looking for a site like this, as there seems little support or answers for those of us caring for a loved one with this vile cancer.
    My husband was diagnosed last January, he had a stent and some chemo which was deemed not to have helped. However, he seemed to be making a good recovery when he was hit by an acute bowel obstruction. Since then he has lost weight and can’t regain it. He seems to be getting steadily weaker, the oncologist is fairly dismissive. We seem to have to carry on alone. Our world has contracted considerably over the last 3 months.
    I’m looking for anything to give us some insight and support.


    Hi Paula,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined us here. You have come to the right place for support and help and you will get a ton of that here. I am happy to hear that you feel well enough now to post here after reading, hopefully you will continue to feel better, much better and we look forward to hearing more from you. If you have any questions then ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them. Please keep coming back here and let us know how you are doing. We are all here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hello Paula….a warm welcome from me also. I am glad that you have found us and yes we are ready for you to join us in the fight against this cancer. Most of all though, I wish for your palliative radiation treatments to achieve the best results possible. Please, continue to share your thoughts with us.
    All my best wishes,


    Oops, I just posted under your other new post today but WELCOME to our wonderful family where we have the most courageous and caring people in the world. I am so glad you are feeling up to writing us now because we do love the good news stories. Keep up the good work and please keep us posted on how you are doing.


    I have strolled my way through this site a number of times but have only recently felt well enough, after attempted resection, chemo and radiation, to write. I am glad that so many are working to raise awareness on this “very resistent to treatment” cancer. Thank you for working on this! I join you now in this fight to get noticed, the fight for research!

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