Hello I’m new here!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello I’m new here!

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    My mom was diagnosed in jan 2013 with cc since then we have exhausted all options. She is now on her second stent and her onc said if her levels are good this week we can start chemo. I am on the fence with doing chemo since the last surgeon we saw said not to do anything because she was so weak and at the time she had shingles . I am struggling taking care of her at home . I work full time and have a 7yr old and a 4yr old my mom has been aggressive lately , wants to go to her apartment . I’m thinking the aggressive behavior is caused by the severe back pain from the tumor and dimentia on top of it. My sisters promised they would help but they seem to have abandoned me . I’m trying to keep my calm with the situation but my moms mood swings have been scaring my little girl (7) she cries when grand mom is upset . I don’t know what I’m doing right or wrong , this is so heartbreaking and trying at the same time . Anyone else have a similar experience?

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