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    Thank you for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it. I am sorry to hear of your sitiation and hope that you will find the help you need. Mom is dealing with MRSA for the past two weeks as she was when she was treated 2 1/2 years ago.
    Outside of a surgey that was performed by her surgeon, Dr. Christopher Gannon 7 weeks ago, the interventional radiology team has been in charge of her care for the time that she has been in the hospital.
    We have had reports that there is a tremendous amount of scar tissue that is hindering their success with stenting the duct in addition to the duct not dilating because it is torn. (My Mom has had approximately 10 abdominal surgeries in her lifetime)
    We are ideally looking for the most skilled interventional readiologist to attempt the procedure.


    I have been dealing with a leaking bile duct off and on since my liver resection surgery in Jan. 2009. I know stents are the treatment of choice however it hasn’t been working for me. I’ve had stents and external drainage bags since Jan. 2010. At this point, if my doctors can pinpoint the leak, they are going to try and glue it shut. If that doesn’t work, they are going to try and cut off the piece of liver where the leak is. I am being treated at the Cleveland Clinic, main campus, by Dr. Mark Sands. I’m assuming your Mom is dealing with infection since she has been hospitalized for 6 weeks. Is she being treated by an interventional radiologist? Infections can slow the healing process. I don’t know what else to offer up since its a complicated issue with lots of details, but I have been through a lot of procedures with this and I would be happy to answer questions for you if I can.



    My Name is Freddie Colon and I am here on behalf of my mother Maria. She was diagnosed with Cholangicarcinoma two and a half years ago. She had a liver ressection performed and to the best of our knowledge is still cancer free.

    The issue that she is having is that her bile duct is torn and bile is pooling into her abdomen. She is currently in Robert Wood Johnson hospital in New Brunswick NJ and has been for the past 6 1/2 weeks. The team that is working on her is having issues accurately placing a stent into the duct so that they can control the flow of the bile and allow the duct to heal. We are looking for the opinion of anyone skilled enough to help.

    Any advice or direction that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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