Help abaut HEADACHE please ?!

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Help abaut HEADACHE please ?!

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    erashid, I forgot to mention that it isn’t impossible, but extremely rare for CC to move to the brain . I have only heard of two cases of it in the reading research I’ve done. You should mention the headaches to your mom’s doctor, as they will want to know about them, but since it is so rare for CC to go to the brain, I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless the doctor gets concerned.

    Julie T.


    erashid, I had intrahepatic cc diagnosed in Feb 2014 with a resection Feb 28, 2014. All is goingn well here also…thus far. However, I have to say that I have had a few headaches……which I believe may be stress ,related to scaniety. I’m nnt prone to headaches normally…..can count on one hand the number of headaches I’ve had my entire life, until post CC surgery and chemo.

    Hang in there.
    Julie T.


    My mum had intrahepatic cc, she had a resection 5 or 6 months ago. İt was alpps procedure, a two staged resection. After resection we had blood tests over 10 times in first 2 months. And we had CT scan for 3 times. İts all going good,nothing wrong for now.

    But this night she suddenly got a bad headache, im always scared that the cancer comes back, i hate always thinking this. But is the headache normal? She’s not having chemo or anything, she just has milkthistle,fish body oil that our surgeon gave us.

    its only a headache,nothing else. did this happen to you??

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