Help..Chemo with Gemsitabine and Cisplatin no longer working

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Help..Chemo with Gemsitabine and Cisplatin no longer working

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    Hi there saw your request for help, this happened to my husband Oscar and our Dr which we think he is a gifted dr put my husband on Oxaliplatin and the Zeloxda which he has been taken for the year and half.
    read up on it and suggest it.
    Oscar was immune to the gemzar treatments and the cancer started to grow very rapidly and we were so scared, but this new treatment has given us more hope again and prolong and has controlled his pain again.


    My husband was also healthy until 7 weeks before he passed away. He was 62. I am thinking my experiences were very similar to yours. I also did not find this site until it was over, but am glad that I did. The people here are all so helpful & supportive. They are a great group that truly understand what we are all going through. I guess that through experience comes knowledge & there is a lot of both here! I just want to welcome you to the site & to let you know that you are not alone.



    grlfrmneb…..thank you for finding us. I am grateful for you sharing the circumstances of your husband’s disease and the fact, that he was pain free, throughout. You are so right about not knowing of this cancer beforehand because, I don’t think many, if any, had ever heard of it before it entered our lives. We would love it if you would share with us your experiences with the hope for it to be of help to others and without a doubt you will be receiving back, and more so.
    Hugs to you,


    Hi Everyone,
    I am so glad I found this website. Albeit a bit too late, but I’m happy just the same. My husband, Sam, died from cc earlier this year. I had never heard of it. He was a healthy, active 60 year old man. We had just been to Hawaii and renewed our vows for our 39th anniversary, came home, went hunting and to a football game in the span of about 1 month. He woke up one morning with yellow skin and yellow eyes. Boom everything went wrong and he died 2 months later.
    He was not in pain either. It was wierd because he could not eat, but we kept asking him and he said he was not in pain. That part was a blessing. I will agree with others on this site, it is a very evil and twisty disease. I am not sure our hospice knew how to handle him or the disease. I am extremely unhappy with them. Another story. But for those concerned about the pain, Sam was not in pain. He just slipped away.


    Thanks Jeff & Marions for letting me know where I can get more info.

    My mother age 64 was diagnosed last year Nov 8 2007 with Cancer.
    On January 3 2008 we were told it was Cholangiocarcinoma; non-resectable.
    My mom has no history of smoking, drinking and has never been exposed to toxic environnements.

    We are being treated in Montreal ant the Segal Cancer Centre- Jewish General Hospital.

    We started a regimen of Gemcitabine&Cisplatin in January 2007.

    We and the doctoirs had encouraging results in June 2007 after MRI showed that the tumours were shrinking.

    Since then, she has been missing the 3rd treatment (last 3 months) because of low placlettes.

    This week we were told that the main tumour has stabilised and three new toumours have appeared.

    At this moment, the doctor advised us to stop the Gemsar-Cisplatin treatments, today is the 3rd day that my mother is taking the XELODA.

    Side effects are quite a bit more harsh than the other treatment, very weak, alot of pain, drowsiness for at least three hours after taking the pills.

    We need something else that can help reduce the side effects.

    I will look up the posts later

    Thanks again Jeff.




    sc66ca, Should be all kinds of informatiom we have tried and used. Just type in chemo or cancer side effects in the search above and it will bring up all of our inputs from previous post. I could post a whole list but it’s already beenposted and save for evreyones review right here on site. There are many more option out there depending on where and how advance your family member’s cancer is located. If you provide some more information, we might be able to give you some more specifics on what we have tried. One thing to remember all these chemos and other treatments can and do repond differently on different people, You surely are not to feel abandoned. Knowledge is powerful and you have to be persistent in advocating for different treatments. Don’t take that your terminal and there is nother else that can be done. There are a lot of us who have extended our lives years not months. I mean 5 up through and past 10 years. there is plenty of hope to go around. Wish you only the best. So feel free to explain more. I’m sure other members are ready to give you many ideas to think about. Some may be worth looking in to others may not because of your family members condition at present.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Thanks to all for the encouragement…all my best goes out to everyone.

    Is there anything that anybody has tried that seem to help either with the side effects of the chemo or the cancer itself?


    sc66ca, xeloda worked great for me. I started out on #3 in am and #3 in pm but due to foot pain decreased to #5 a day and so far I am doing very well. good luck! deb


    Don’t think you are abandoned – this is just a very sneaky, tricky, rotten disease. It affects us all in different ways. We all care about you and please know that you will find support and information here.

    I’m going for a CT scan tomorrow myself due to increased liver pain. Then we’re going to explore more options.

    sc66ca, I wish this was a disease with easy answers. But, unfortunately, it is not. That is why we must work together and try to raise awareness and funds to help fight it!


    One of my family members has just completed 10 months of treatment with gemsitabine end cisplatin.

    Yesterday the MRI results showded that the cancer is resisting this treatement and new lesions appeared in the liver; the main lesion has also increased in size.

    The oncologist put us on 3 lists for experimental treatment, but due to the waiting time he prescribed XELODA (500mg/tablet).

    Three tablets in the morning & three in the evening. This treatment is for breast and colon cancer.

    We feel abandoned.

    What are our choices?

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