Help for newly diagnosed from Australia

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Help for newly diagnosed from Australia

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    Hello Kim,

    Sorry to hear about your sister. I’m from Australia and my husband has ICC. He’s had surgery twice and chemo in our city, and surgery through RPA/Mater in Sydney. If you are looking within Australia, our experience has been good and we think he has been well treated. Can’t speak for the other capitals but others have mentioned hospitals in Melbourne as well.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Kim,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your sister as well. But glad that you have joined in with us as you are in the best place for support and help and will get lots from everyone here. I know how much this diagnosis for your sister will have hit you all and I was that way as well when my dad was diagnosed with his inoperable CC.

    If you could tell us some more info about your sister that would be great as the more info we have the better we will all be able to help you. And I hope that some of our other Australian members will pop in here to say hello to you as well.

    My best wishes to you and your sister,



    Kim….I would like to follow Catherine and welcome you to our site. We have several people posting from others living in your country and perhaps some of their information may be of benefit to you.
    I entered Australia in the search function and your posting and that of others appeared:

    Know that you can click on “go to post” (lower, right hand corner) and retrieve further conversations from the specific poster and others and others as well.

    Can you tell us a bit more? Why is your sister deemed inoperable? Who is the consulting physician?



    Hi Kim,

    Welcome to our group. I’m very sorry to hear of your sister’s diagnosis, but happy that you’re helping to ensure she gets the best treatment possible. My mother was also inoperable, but we’re very fortunate that she’s feeling great at 2 years out. Also, there are some who started as inoperable but after having treatments – or getting second opinions- were able to have surgery.

    It sounds like you already researched the main home page and found the major cancer centers-
    Main thing is to find a center that has an interdisciplinary team and has a lot of experience with CC. In Duke’s post below he mentions which ones seem to be most widely used by our board members.

    Good luck and let us know how you make out,



    Hi everyone – my sister has just been diagnosed with inoperable intrahepatic cholangiocsrcinoma. As you can imagine we are devastated and looking everywhere for possible treatment options. Of the major cancer centres listed on your site here what’s the best one for intrahepatic and international patients. With fingers crossed x

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