Help, I need to know where to find best treatment in New York area

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Help, I need to know where to find best treatment in New York area

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    Hi Stacie, did Tricia had any info about centers o doctors for my friend ?


    Thank you all for your prompt response. I will pass this info to my friend’s family and keep checking for more imput. Again, thank you very much !!!!



    I’m going to contact Tricia for you. She lives in NY and has been working with a very aggressive oncologist there. She is coming on 3 years battling cholangio so she may have some good insights for you.



    I’m just recently transplanted from Manhattan to New Jersey and my mother was in Staten Island and she was treated at NYU Medical Center. They’re up-to-date on this disease and pretty knowledgeable but I didn’t like the top oncologist and they made her wait for hours for each appointment. I was looking into Memorial Sloan-Kettering, which everyone says is the absolute BEST for most cancers, but it was too late. I would recommend Sloan Kettering – do it as fast as you can.

    Best of luck to you,



    Ines, Sorry to hear about your friend. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York has been suggested by many patients. It really is a personal choice you have to make base on your current situation. Distance can be a big factor if treatments are involved. Personally, I believe most all cancer treatment centers or hospitals provide professional care and normally follow the protocol of your larger centers. You can go to the National Cancer Institute web site and get the information your looking for. Best wishes!
    P.S. Positive attitude is a biggy in my book. Let the anger go! and take a constructive full speed ahead approach. Become knowledgable and advocate all the way. That is my 2 cents worth. Feel free to browse this site and ask questions. There are many knowledgable individuals who are more than willing to share whatever infor they can from personal experiences first hand either those with the same cancer or there caregivers/Loved ones/ Hubbies /wives and sons aand duaghters.
    Jeff G.


    Hi, I need help, a very good friend was just diagnosed with Metastic Cholangiocarcinoma stage IV. She lives in New Jersey, very close to New York. Do you know where can I find out which is the best treatment center in her area ? I will appreciate any guidance. Thanks

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