Help Locating on Oncologist and Story New Member

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    Rebecca….I would like to echo everything said by Pam. Rebecca, I am wondering about the possible infection, has your father in-law been prescribed antibiotics? Recurrences are high with this cancer however; we have seen repeat scans to (at times) not reveal the possible lesions previously noted. So, as you say, it is a waiting game until the next appointment.
    I also hope that someone will step forward and share names of his/her physician with you.
    In the meantime I am wishing for your father in-law to recover from this pesty absess and that the next physican visit will bring forth fantastic news.


    Hello Rebecca and welcome to our amazing family but sorry you had to join us.
    I am sorry about your FIL and actually used to know a man named Zeljko, who was an MD. I am so sorry for what your FIL has been going through but I know you will get some good answers here. Not sure about infections being recurrences but there are a lot of different infections that go with this territory. Mmmm Suggestion, what about a call to Dr. Schwartz office and see if he knows of a good ONC near you? I am thinking too that a 2nd opinion is in order now. Wishing you the best and know that you have come to the right place to ask, advise or let off steam! Looking forward to hearing more from you.


    Thank You and I am so sorry for your loss its wonderful you give back by supporting people on this site


    Hi Rebecca,

    Welcome to this site, but sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I can’t answer either of your questions, but many others live in the NY/NJ area and will be able to help you out. Since you are not happy with the oncologist, I think you are definitely doing the right thing. There are many excellent doctors that really care about their patients and I hope you find one!! Wishing for all the best for you and your father-in-law.



    Hello, My name is Rebecca,
    My 67 year old Father n law Zeljko (Croatian) had a resectable Kletskins Tumour Jan 2012. Dr Schwartz at Mount Sinai was amazing. He had adjuvunct Chemo radiation and was doing great until now. He has a few new small lesions in the liver. A biopsy ended up in disaster he wound up with a huge abcess. He has normal Tumous markers but they were never high. An essentially negative biopsy and scan that are non committal to cancer vs infection vs the world. So most likely we will repeat in 3 mo. We are not too happy with our oncologist at Hackensack. There seems to be too much miscommunication. Any good experiences for a 2nd opinion in the Northern New jersey area? Also anyone have what looked like recurrence but turned out to be infection?

    Thanks and I love all of your stories. They are hopeful and honest and I look forward to being an ear or an asset to anyone on this list.


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