Help! Need guidance on clinical trials.

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials Help! Need guidance on clinical trials.

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    Dear Shari, so sorry to read this and hope they come up with a game plan soon. Perhaps just going as far as the genomic sequencing will help them come up with that game plan. Every bit helps. I also hope you are feel OK and take each day at a time and above all be strong and hopeful!


    Thank you Kris for the response. I am fairly certain Mayo clinic Rochester Minnesota has my resected liver. My lymph node on my last PET is scored less than 4, which means no gemox for now. I responded well to the first course, so hopefully i would respond to a second course. The biopsy could be tricky. The lymph is a mediastinal and is close to my heart and esophagus so my cardio thoracic surgeon thinks it would be a difficult one to biopsy. I have a very small nodual on my right side that is sub pleural and probably would be easier to biopsy. Kind of playing the waiting game for now and making a game plan.


    Shari, I am sorry you keep having to hop back on this roller coaster.
    Did they save any tissue for pathology? I’m sure they did. If so, I suggest you get the genomic sequencing done thru Foundation One or another such lab. Then look for trials from there, based on the mutations. You will have to have a biopsy of the node if you are a candidate.
    Good luck. I’m hoping the next round of gem Ox kicks it down for you!


    Hi all,

    It has been a long time since I have posted. I finished 6 months of gemox and erbitux and I have been on maintenance erbitux since February 2014. My latest PET scan shows an increase in uptake on a previous lymph mode which had not been lighting up at all since stopping chemo. I am going to have a repeat PET scan on July 30th. If my next PET is worse the plan is to restart the gemox and continue with the erbitux or find a clinical trial. I live in North Dakota USA. There is so many clinical trials out there can anybody point me into the right direction to look for a clinical trial that would fit me?

    Initial diagnosis was September 2010 with a liver resection and “clean” margins, followed by 6 months of gem-cis. Metastasis to right lung in October 2011 with a thoracotomy and wedge resection and 4 months of oral Xeloda. Metastasis to left lung with SBRT in November 2012. Metastasis to mediastinal lymph node with 6 months or gemox and erbitux in later 2013 to 2014. Continuation of the erbitux every other week. 4 or so months of clear PET scans.

    Thanks in advance for the help/advice,


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