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  • #25674

    Hello Buffie…so sorry to hear about your Dad. Everyone on this site is relating to you. This cancer strikes out without warnings. The good news is that a liver transplant is being contemplated therefore, all the criteria has been met. If you are up to it you might want to use the search function and read up on previous posts re: liver transplants and Klatskin tumors. I am hoping for your Dad to feel less nauseous real soon. Do you know the reason for the denial by the insurance company? The doctors at the Mayo Clinic most likely will be quite aggressive with the appeal so, I am hoping for your Dad to be granted the transplant. Most of all, Buffie, stay positive and stay in touch with our members who will be the most supportive to you.
    Sending tons of hugs your way,


    Hi, my name is Buffie and my dad has been diagnosed with Klatskin tumor. We found this out on Dec 19 after an ERCP. My dad had not been feeling well for about 3 months prior. He stayed in the hospital in TN until Jan 6 when we brought him to the Mayo clinic in Florida. We felt like this was going to be our answer. At first the doctors were great and suggested a liver transplant. We are now in process of waiting for the insurance company. They have denied once but the doctors and appealing. Meanwhile my dad continues to loose weight and is not able to eat due to nausea. They have him on a feeding tube and even that makes him sick. This is such a horrible nightmare. Does anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, comments. Please help.

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