help with info

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! help with info

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  • #26314

    lynn….welcome and I am sorry to hear about your Dad. You can be assured for others on this site to be sharing plenty of information with. Cholangiocarcinoma/ bile duct cancer spreading to the bone is not at all uncommon. You can read up on this when using the “search function” and entering bone metastases. Please, continue to stay in touch and ask any question coming to your mind. You will have plenty of loving, kind, and compassionate ears listening to you.
    I am sending tons of good wishes your way,


    Hello my dad almost 5 years ago was told he had 4 weeks to live from this horrible cancer. We found a surgeon who would try to help him when so many didnt want too. and they took out 60% of his liver and his bile ducts. After a little chemo and radioation we were told he was cancer free. a few months ago we found out that it is back and in his bones. and now they are giving him 6 months to live. What I’m needing to know if anyone knows of anything that can be done?? I will be very grateful for any suggestions or simialar stories. We didnt give up before and dont want to give up now. Maybe i’m being selfish but I need my dad even tho i’m an adult. I’ve never thought I would know so much about cancer and I hate every bit of it. thankyou all

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