Help with VA

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Help with VA

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    Oop’s. Link I gave was for the logged into FB for the Vets page! Thanks for the other one Marion. The Vets page really is a good one, lots of talk on there re the VA and Darla is in the group also.




    Yikes….things change so quickly. Thanks, Gavin, for pointing out
    This link works:



    Hi John,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your dad and everything that he is and is having to go through right now. But glad that you have joined as you have come to the best place for support and help and will get loads of both from all of us here.

    I am Scottish so will leave stuff about the VA to the others here but so agree with your dad seeking further opinions on his cancer from doctors or hospitals that have much experience in diagnosing and treating patients with CC. The group on Vietnam Vets on facebook is a good one and one that I am part of as well although obviously I am not a vet, but it is a great group and you should have a look at it if you are on Facebook. It changed to a closed group but you just click to join and they changed their link so I don’t think the link Marion gave works now. Try this one as it works for me –

    And of course John please keep on coming back here. If we can help in any way please just ask and we will do what we can.

    My best to you and your dad,



    John……I hope for some of our Vet members to chime in on your question. In the meantime you might want to connect with Sheila Harrison. Sheila works with VA claims, but may have additional information to share with you as well. Please use this link:
    Additionally I am aware of a Facebook site dedicated to Vietnam Vets:
    Overall we are aware of the problems within the VA system in fact, the VA administration has admitted to that and promised to bring about changes.
    You may also want to take a look at this link. Amongst other important information it offers the “free” biliary book for download (you may order a hard copy as well) and other suggestions helpful when diagnosed with this cancer.

    Please continue to stay in touch, we care and we are in this together.



    John, sorry to read about your father. I do not think that the VA, any VA has had enough experience in treating this rare cancer. I would definitely try Baylor or Methodist Hospital in Dallas. He needs to be at a hospital where they have had more experience with this rare cancer. Right now it is late but hopefully others will chime in tomorrow. Nest of luck and hang in!


    Hi there! My father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer in Feb. of this year (2015) and we just found out from a “new” doctor that his cancer is much worse. In addition, he has Bile Duct Cancer that has spread to his gallbladder. He is a VET. He lives over 2 hours away from the Dallas VA, but has been told he must travel to Dallas to see doctors. I am currently trying to get him Palliative Care as the long trips (with no traffic) take almost 3 hours each way and are very stressful for both my father, as well as my mother who drives him. Why would the VA not let my dad who has Stage 4 CANCER see local doctors? Can anyone help me with this? My immediate goals are to: 1. Get my father care closer to home 2. Get a second opinion about his cancer. I think we should get a second opinion since he has not met with the same doctor since he began his treatment at the VA in Dallas and has been told something different every time he has gone in to visit with an actual doctor- which has not been very often. Any help would be much appreciated. God Bless.

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