helpful suggestions for my mom first day of chemo (gem/cis)

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion helpful suggestions for my mom first day of chemo (gem/cis)

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    First, the chemo itself does not hurt going in. That part is actually anti-climatic compared to what our minds can conjure up.
    They’ll first check her blood levels, then she’ll meet with the oncologist who will examine her and ask a bunch of questiong and if she has any questions. Then, they get the hydration bags going first….and then the chemo. It sounds like they may be giving her some of the drugs orally, that I had actually put in iv bags that I got before each infusion…the steroids and emend esp. I don’t know if it matters much one way or the other. If she doesn’t have a chemo port, then they will have to start an IV in her arm to put in the fluids and chemo. The port is supposed to make access faster and easier…..but also saves the veins in her arms if she has one…because the chemo is hard on the smaller arm veins and can make them unusable after a while.
    Make sure that she brings along something to keep busy, but be prepared that she may want to sleep for part or all of the infusion. Sometimes, I was wide awake…and other times, I wass out like a light.
    A prescription for Atavan…filled and ready to use is a good idea if the onc will prescribe it beFORE she needs it. Get some ginger ale (use it warm and flat….open the can or bottle and allow it to defizz and it will be better on her stomach).
    The first round of two infusions probably won’t cause too much problem with queasiness /nausea. The queasiness usally started in the early rounds….about 3 days or do after getting the day one chemo….of Gem/Cis combined. After that, I had quesiness every day in the morning after getting up….maybe about 15 min after I got up…but that is so variable from one person to the next, that she is going to have to wait to see what her body does . I didn’t find it particularly disturbing….but it just was something I knew would happen….and then in a couple min it was over, usually for the day. But some days I got queasy in the afternoon….(no vomiting or dry heaves) and again before bed (dry heaves). I never really knew when or what….but just expected the unexpected. The Atavan, which also helps with anxiety, reduces the queasiness and was good to take for times in the middle of the day.
    My first oncologist also gave me a script for a suppository for nausea, in case it got too bad to even get down a pill. I filled it….but never used it….and ithe bottle is still in my refrig. It was good to know I had it just in case…and it was cheap insurance.
    Have some snacks…..anything is fine…..and have her plan to drink while she’s getting the chemo to help flush out the kidneys faster. I took my own snacks sometimes….but the chemo center we used had sandwiches, fruit, chips…just about anything we wanted. That varies…so the first time, you might put in some snacks that she esp likes…..even if she doesn’t end up eating any of them. Peanut butter and ritz crackers are esp good….kind of “stick ” to you….and also help with nausea at other times.


    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to say thank you to all who have been so helpful and answering my concerns I’ve posted over the past few months. My mom is FINALLY starting her adjuvant chemo after 7 months post-op. Gem/cis 2 weeks on, one week off for 6 months is the plan. That sounds like a lot of other’s adjuvant chemo plan. Can anyone offer some helpful suggestions or tips to help my mom prepare for this chemo plan? Her oncologist says its a “tolerable” regiment but I’ve been reading that cisplatin can cause some pretty crazy nausea.. I’ve read through a lot of the posts in the “handling side effects” discussion board, however if anyone else can add some other useful tips or recommendations to help alleviate potential side effects, that would be wonderful!

    My mom is very scared to start, like most others, and I was wondering what the first infusion day would be like? As chemo goes on, will the side effects get worse? Will my mom still be able to carry daily activities such as 30 minute walks or cooking? Are there residual side effects that will not go away even after chemo stops?

    I just picked up zofran 8 mg, dexmethasone, prochlorperazine, and the pricey Emend.. do those drugs sound familiar?

    Thank you all for your support.


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