HER2 testing and treatment with Herceptin

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working HER2 testing and treatment with Herceptin

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    Has anyone been tested for the HER2 receptor and/or been treated with Herceptin? I have a friend whose father in law lives in Paris. He was diagnosed with cc a couple of months ago. He was tested for HER2 as a matter of course; found to be positive; and is currently being treated with Herceptin as well as other chemo. My dad went for a f/u at MDA last week, and was told that they no longer test cc patients for herceptin because it is not cost -effective and insurance companies were not paying them for it. I’m sure if it was their dad that had cc, it would be cost-effective.

    Are there any hospitals that you know of that will at least offer a HER2 test, even if it is self-pay (around $3k). HER2 testing is done on all breast and colon cancers in this country. Herceptin has dramatically changed the outcome and survival for those who are positive.

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