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  • #57234

    LeaAnn…congratulations on your successful resection. Only twenty percent of people diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma are fortunate to undergo curative resections, and you are one of the lucky ones. I wish for your continued recovery to go smoothly and for all follow-up scans to confirm that you are cancer-free. Please, know that anxiety increases dramatically at pre-scan time and that we are here to support you.
    Hugs and love,


    Hi LeeAnn,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I’m glad that you have joined in with us all as you have come to the right place for support and help, and you will get tons of both from all of us here. Thanks also for sharing your story with us and that is great to hear that you were able to have surgery and that it went successfully.

    I hope that you will keep coming back here and if you have any questions then please just ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them. I am glad that your last CT went well and I will keep my fingers crossed for the same results from your next scan. Please let us know how it goes and know that we are all here for you.

    Best wishes,



    LeeAnn-Welcome and sorry you had to find us!I am a CC survivor too. I am cancer free, 2 and half years. I am cancer free because of 2 transplants, chemo and radiation. It is so hard to know what to do with so little data and info for our cancer. I know chemo and radiation didn’t kill me (obviously), my biggest side effect was “tired”, I do know the cancer would have, so I guess a little more toxins in my body could change a very bad outcome.
    I am also in IL. and my “miracle” happenned at Barnes-Jewish, St. Louis Mo by Dr. William Chapman
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Dear LeeAnn a warm welcome to our most courageous and caring family. Congratulations on your surgery you are now a CC super survivor. We were from that suburb of Chicago, Milwaukee and my husband Teddy had his surgery (Whipple) with clean margins and 5, ONCS and Radiologists said no to chemo/Radiation. To chemo or not is probably one of our biggest discussions here at all times. One really has to make their own decision and I felt like we graduated from “Gut 101” at times but our gut always steered us right. The post follow up was for visits to the ONC every 3 months with PET Scans every 6 months. Much continued success and please feel that you can come here anytime for anything! And please keep us posted on your progess….it takes time after surgery.


    I’m 46 and was diagnosed with CC last October.
    The surgery was done November-removed 60%of right liver and bile duct. The margins were negative and no lymph nodes were involved, so my surgeon said no further treatment was necessary. I also talked 4 different oncologist after surgery about chemo and radiation. Only 1 out of 4 recomm. follow up treatment just in case. I’ve decided not to do anything right now since I’m feeling almost normal again. I had a CT 3 weeks ago and they said it looks good. My next appt with surgeon and oncologist is Apr. and it’s scary not knowing what’s ahead of me. I have 2 beautiful young children(9,11) and I want to be around for a long time. Wish me luck!!!


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