Hi-De-Hi Campers !

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi-De-Hi Campers !

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  • #21113

    Mark, Great, you have great spirit and motivation. I certainly recall Lorna’s posts about you. She sounds like one strong young lady. I wish You ,Lorna and the little one, only the best! Do you ever play around the Ipswich/Felixstowe area? My wife’s relatives live around there. I hope to visit in the spring, time will tell. Mark give EFT a search. It is pretty prominant in England as well. Being a drummer you know how emotions affect people for sure.

    Jeff G.

    tiapatty wrote:

    Welcome, sorry you had to find your way to this board.

    While I have no musical talent, a friend once said I was a born promoter and begged me to manage his band. Perhaps somewhere else on this board there is a guitarist, lead singer (maybe Lorna sings?), and keyboard player–you can tour the world, raising money for a cure, Cholangio Aid, it’s so catchy, no?


    Patty thats a fantastic idea ! Sadly the I fear it would be impossible as we all have families in the band, mortgages & bills to etc etc etc :(

    We have done several gigs recently though all in aid of cancer research and im sure we will be doing more in the near future.

    Take care

    Kristin wrote:
    Hi Mark,

    It’s great to “meet” you!

    Wow, you’re a drummer, that takes an awful lot of energy!

    Like you, I spent many months trying to find out what was wrong with me and it took six months before I was actually diagnosed. So I’ve had CC for five years now, and I’m still alive and kicking (with various bumps and detours along the road– I’m probably going to have to start chemo soon.)

    What kind of music do you play?


    Hi Kristin :)
    I’m so encouraged by your story, 5 years ? wow ! that’s impressive stuff

    My band is what you’d call a “functions” band, we do mainly weddings but also parties and a few pubs. We play anything from the 50’s right up to stuff that’s out at the moment :)
    Heres a link to our website > http://www.nightshiftmusic.co.uk Please dont laugh at the awful pictures in the Who we are section, they were taken a long time ago ;)

    Take care and keep fighting !


    Hi Mark,

    It’s great to “meet” you!

    Wow, you’re a drummer, that takes an awful lot of energy!

    Like you, I spent many months trying to find out what was wrong with me and it took six months before I was actually diagnosed. So I’ve had CC for five years now, and I’m still alive and kicking (with various bumps and detours along the road– I’m probably going to have to start chemo soon.)

    What kind of music do you play?




    Welcome, sorry you had to find your way to this board.

    While I have no musical talent, a friend once said I was a born promoter and begged me to manage his band. Perhaps somewhere else on this board there is a guitarist, lead singer (maybe Lorna sings?), and keyboard player–you can tour the world, raising money for a cure, Cholangio Aid, it’s so catchy, no?




    So encouraging and what a great spirit. Keep it up. It is very hard on loved ones. We worry a lot. Good to see you doing so well. Keep up the fight. Lorna is very lucky to have you in such a positive frame of mind. As you are Very lucky to have her.



    Hi all :)
    My names Mark I’m 41 and live in Greenwich, London UK. I was diagnosed with CC in October 2006 but was ill from around Christmas 2005 as my GP didnt have a clue what to do with me except send me for endless blood tests due to my jaundice and weight loss. Anyway eventually I had an ultrasound then MRI then finally an ERCP which was unsuccessful and gave me an infection leading to my admission to Kings College hospital in London in August 2006.

    Eventually after every form of scan & biopsy known to man they gave the the good news in October, CC inoperable ! …. Gulp I was 39 at the time and my daughter was 3 so it was a bit of a blow as you can imagine. They inserted a Titanium stent and sent me home where I became quite unwell due to the stent getting infected and had to be readmitted and have 4 units of blood ! My partner tells me I was about 30 minutes from kicking the proverbial at one point which is pretty sobering.

    So here I am in 2008 still fighting the good fight ! I’ve had 2 types of chemo, Gemcitabine and Capecitabine plus a nerve block and most recently Photodynamic Therapy. I have been pretty lucky in that I’ve been pain free most of the time and have been able to lead a fairly normal life, I’m even still playing the drums in my band !

    I think this illness has been harder on my family and loved ones as they’ve had to cope with worry and stress.

    My partner Lorna is already registered on here, shes my rock and without her I would most certainly not be here typing this !

    So I thought I’d pop along and say hello all ;)

    Long life, love and happiness to all :)

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