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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi Everyone

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    Hi Becky,

    Welcome to the site, and it is nice to meet you too! Although I wish that you didn’t have to find us all. Sorry to hear about your mum, but you have come to the right place for support and help and you will get tons of that here from all of us.

    As Lainy has asked you, did your mum seek a second or a third opinion after her diagnosis? In my dads case, he had no symptoms at all either and then the jaundice and the itching appeared. Then he was admitted to hospital, had all the tests which took over 3 weeks befor we got the news of inoperable CC.

    If you have any questions at all then please ask away and we will do what we can to help in answering them. We can’t promise to have all the answers but we will help you in any way that we can. You are so right about support groups and being around people who know what you are going through. We so know how you feel right now and what you are goin through, and we are all here for you. Please keep coming back and let us know how your mum gets on.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Dear Jessies Girl, Welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to find us. I am so very sorry about your Mom. May I ask where your Mom is being treated and have you had a second opinion? We are big believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions and many CC patients who were stage IV and had other opinions have done well. If Mom starts Hospice she can always change her mind but I am hoping you will get that second opinion. It sounds like you have a wonderful family and that makes you a very lucky lady. Please keep us posted on your mom as we all do care.


    My name is Becky. I’m sorry to have to be here, but glad that there is this type of support group. I’ve used support groups in the past for various reasons, and found that I learned invaluable things from other going through the same things as me.

    My mom, Kathy, is 67 and on July 18th, was diagnosed with CC. She is in Stage 4, non-resectable. For the past 5 years, she has been complaining of stomach aches and pains. Finally, this year, she demanded that her gastroenterologist find out what was wrong. The first week of July, he did a lap scope, and found absolutely nothing. She was so heartbroken, and to be honest, my sister and I chalked it all up to being a mental problem. The weekend of July 16th, my sister came to visit from Florida, and immediately called me to say how yellow my mom was to her. I live here, close to my mom, and hadn’t seen her in a few weeks. We immediately sent her to her doctor.

    She tried one round of chemo, but she couldn’t handle the side effects, and so now we are going with hospice. It was her idea, but her doctor says it’s time.

    So…that’s me and that’s my mom’s story. I am married to Bill, and with have four kids at home (11, 12, 13 and 14). We also have two grown sons, ages 23 and 24. Our oldest and his girlfriend made us grandparents last December. Although being a 43 year old Grandma was hard to swallow, she is the sweetest dolly in the whole world!

    Nice to meet you all!

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