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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi Everyone.

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  • #91975

    Thank you everyone for the encouragement.


    Dear Carla,

    Welcome to your first of many posts, I hope! So glad to hear your hubby is doing well, and getting great care at MDA. Please keep us updated with all his progress and please know we are here to support you both in anyway we can. Hugs and prayers headed your way.


    Dear Carla,

    Welcome! Very happy you decided to come out of the shadows and join the conversation. The results of the scan had to make you happy- we like tumors getting smaller.

    I look forward to hearing more from you- I think the first post is the hardest.

    Best wishes,


    Carla, I’d like to “officially” welcome you to our group. I did the same thing as you when my husband was first diagnosed – read many posts and searched various topics. The information I found was invaluable to me in terms of understanding this disease and treatment types. It took me about a year to finally post. I am so glad I did because I’ve connected with so many knowledgeable, caring people -it’s been a tremendous support. I’m sure the group will be a source of support for you as well.

    It sounds like your husband is in very capable hands at MD Anderson, and it is encouraging that the photon radiation seems to br shrinking his tumor. As you’ve probably read, even if a patient is currently unresectable, doctors are having success with several newer treatments, and researchers are working to develop more across a number of areas. So, there is more hope than ever for successful treatments against this awful disease. I wish continued shrinkage and improvement for your husband, Jeff. I hope you will continue to update us on his progress and engage with us as you are comfortable doing so.



    Dear Carla, welcome to our remarkable family and so glad that you posted. Congratulations on Jeff’s tumor shrinkage and stable is one of our favorite words. As you have already learned it is kind of a hunt and peck system until you find the treatment that works best for Jeff as everyone is so different. Glad you came out of the lurkers corner as I know you will find us a friendly group and full of advice and stories. Below is a site you may find helpful and please keep us updated on Jeff as we truly care.



    I would like to introduce myself. My name is Carla. My husband Jeff was diagnosed with non-resectable Intrahepatic CC 16 months ago at age 48. He was having difficulty passing a kidney stone ( first time he ever had one), and a CT was done to check the size of the stone, and the mass showed up on his liver. Other than indigestion, to which he has always been prone, he never exhibited any symptoms. To say it was a shock doesn’t do justice. Plus, we had never heard of CC until that time.

    He was sent to MDA in Houston. They prescribed 3 months of Gem/Cis chemo, which did not have much, if any, effect. He then had 21 days of photon radiation, and as of his last scans at the end of December, his tumor is slightly less than half its original size, which was 8x8x7, and appears stable. His next scan is scheduled in May.

    For about a year I have been reading some of the posts on here, but couldnt bring myself to post until now. Thank you all for having the courage to share your journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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