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  • #25202

    hopeandgrace….I would live follow our Jeff by welcoming you to our site. I would just like to add that you might want to read up on ascities (fluid retention) as Jeff had mentioned. You will find many threads discussing this particular subject. Simply, enter the word in to the search function. In many instances it can be drained, and this is something you might want to discuss with the physician.
    Hugs to you and your family,


    Hopeandgrace, I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom. Well , I don’t know what time your appointment was with your Mom’s doctor? You probally have been given an explanation of why. So I just say for now that it is common to have large amounts of fluid retention due to the cancer. It could also be inflamation of the visceral fatty tissue depending on the extent and how much the cancer has spread. Well, welcome to the site and feel open to discuss or ask any questions about your Mom. We are here to support you and your Mom regardless of what is going on. It sounds as though your Mom’s cancer has been spreading to other areas for a while. Wish you the best and don’t feel alone . We are here to share what ever we know.
    God Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.


    I am so blessed by finding this site. When my mom was diagnosed December of 07 no one we knew had ever even heard of cholangiocarcinoma. I am so thankful there is a place like this to talk.

    Our story is so similar to so many others. My mom, who was 59 at diagnosis, looked like she was 35, very active, cooked, worked, loved to do anything fun. She had some severe pain one day and went to the ER thinking she was having a gall bladder attack. Sure enough, when they went in laparscopically they found the liver cancer. I will never forget that phone call from my dad. Our family has been changed forever.

    We never asked for a prognosis. We are Christian and like many others know that this is in His hands and we didn’t want to feel like there was a countdown. We are hopeful and trying to stay encouraged in the midst of this nightmare that came out of nowhere. My mom, through her struggles, will look at me and say, “This is good. We know it is. It doesn’t feel like it, or seem like it, but it is.”

    Her cancer certainly appeared inoperable after the first scans – she had two chemo-embolizations and we were told that she had a less than 15% chance of the tumors shrinking to an operable size. Lo and behold, hers did. They were amazed and scheduled her surgery. Two weeks beforehand she had some scans done to map out their plan. My parents received another devastating phone call – the cancer had spread. A spot on her lung, her rib cage and her arm. Also, they believed her lymph node was diseased. The surgery was cancelled.

    Immediately she began chemo. Excuse my spelling, but it has been rounds of Gemsar and Cystplatin. The cancer doesn’t seem to be moving too much but she has become increasingly tired.

    I am only 28 years old and am having such a hard time with the possibility of losing my mom. We are so close and I am the only daughter with three brothers. I have always clung to her and continue to stay by her as we only live five miles away. I am trying to take care of our two little boys as well as spend as much time as possible with her. I love her so much and feel so overwhelmed.

    Lately her belly has swelled to the point that she has to wear my maternity pants. It feels like a pregnant belly. She is going to the doctor today about it – it has been pretty bad for about a week. Does anyone have any clue as to what this could be? She has been doing quite well – even working some days. She still cooks, cleans, etc. just gets tired much quicker than she used to.

    Thank you all for reading. I am so thankful to have found you!

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