Hi i am looking for LaineyA

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi i am looking for LaineyA

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    Hi shonny,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your sister, and your families. My dad is battling this disease and my heart goes out to anyone who is also fighting this or a caregiver helping someone fight.

    I did a search using LaineyA as the search subject and found the post below. I am sorry but it looks like LaineyA passed away back in December of 2008. The post below is from her husband.

    My wife Elaine (LaineyA) often visited these discussion boards, so I thought it appropriate to forward a note I wrote for her coworkers:

    It saddens me to report to you the death of my wife Elaine. She passed away late Tuesday afternoon, amonth after her 41st birthday due to complications with cancer. Elaine never contemplated death; her wisdom was to concentrate on putting her life to its greatest purpose. With this in mind, I want to pass on a part of our story.

    Elaine was my high school sweetheart. Now, we have been married for 17 years and have a beautiful daughter, Isabel, 8 years old. The three of us have a blessed life: we loved and enjoyed each other; we took wonderful trips together; we liked living near both of our families; we liked our careers and our coworkers. We have a supportive church family. Isabel likes her school and her friends from Express Cheer and Brownies.

    Nearly two years ago, Elaine was diagnosed with an aggressive and rare cancer; we searched everywhere for the best possible care. All of the cards, flowers, meals and outpouring of help reminded us what we really needed was at home. She never believed that God willed her cancer, and she never gave up.

    Elaine believed in a Heaven. We trust that she is there now.

    With my Warm Regards,
    Chris Allison


    Hello shonny…..The last posting from LainyA dates back to 2007. I would love to hear from her also. This is the e-mail address located below her user name: prisspot@dallas.net. Please, continue to stay on this board. You have tons of support coming your way. We are here for you.
    Hugs and love


    I have been visiting this site on and off for a while i have written about my sister who is 30 and has this awful disease she has had her last lot of chemo but all her results are like lainey a and i would like to speak to her i saw she had her one year mile stone etc and wondering if anyone knows how she is going. im not good on the computer and maybe i didnt search it right but i cant find any recent posts. i will talk to anyone who can help with advise re this awful disease. my sister was crying tonight its her daughters 5th birthday and she is afraid she wont be here for her 6th but i wont to find a treatment that will make it happen.

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