Hi, I would like to introduce myself

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Hi, I would like to introduce myself

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    Hello Saskia,

    Welcome to the site. I am sorry that you had to join us and I am sorry to hear about your dad, but I am glad that you have joined us all as you will get a load of support and help from us all. I know what you are going through right now as a year ago I was in the same place with my dad. You have done the right thing in coming here as we know how you are feeling and what you are going through. So please, feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will help if we can.

    Yes this is tough to deal with, but you are strong and I know that you will be strong for your dad. Coming here looking for answers and help shows that to me. I am glad to hear that your dad has the help from you and his sister and brother, and you will also need to try and take some time for yourself, even if it is just a few minutes each day. As Lainy has mentioned, do you have the option of some professional help for your dad at home such as nursing care or hospice care? My dad had a Macmillan nurse that would come and visit him at home and when he went into hospice care, the care he got was exceptional. I can so understand your dad wanting to stay at home and I hope that you can get some help with him for this.

    I hope that you keep coming back here Saskia as we are all here for you and know what you are going through right now.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Saskia: So sorry to hear about your father. This is a very evil cancer – I know this first hand as do many others on this site. I have watched my husband go downhill over the past almost three years since his diagnosis.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. As Lainy says build some lasting memories with your father. Let him know that you love him.

    Go with God.


    Dear Saskia, we are so sorry to hear about your Father, but we do welcome you to our Family. In the USA we have Hospice and in the UK I know they have Mac Millian Nurses. Do you have any kind of Care givers for terminally ill patients? They come in and help physically and mentally and are just angels. You might want to read up on CC and also read some of our past posts to get acquainted with the journey. We also have a Search Engine at the top of the page which can be very helpful.
    It all seems so surreal, yes? You will draw on strength you never knew you had
    and the important thing now is to keep your father as pain free as possible. Use this time to make special memories. You sound like a wonderful caring daughter and I am sure your Father is very proud of you. Please keep us posted.


    Hi all,

    Last august my father was diagnosed with cc. After much prodding, discussions with his oncologist and a second opinion, we learnt that nothing can be done any more. The cancer has spread throughout the lymphnodes in his stomach and to his liver. They inserted a stent and he isn’t jaundiced anymore, but fluids build up in his stomach every day and when they drain the fluid we can see there is bile in the fluid.
    Initially we thought we still had time to do nice things with him, but I can’t believe the rate with which he is deteriorating. My “bear-like” lost 30kg of weight, is utterly exhausted and won’t take too much pain medication (fentanyl painpatches and temazepan for sleeping) because he wants to spend every minute awake and alert with us. He wants to stay in his own home, and his sister and brother in law have moved in with him to take care of him. As he can’t even wash or dress himself, let alone cook a meal, they are a godsent.
    I joined this forum because we live in the Netherlands and have very few cases of this type of cancer. I was wondering if you could help me with what else we can expect. I’ve read a lot of stories on this forum and you all have been through so much, I hope I can be as tough…

    Best wishes to all,


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