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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi!! I’m new to this site.

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    Patty, out thoughts and prayers will certainly be with Chuck, Michelle & the kids. She was simply too young.



    Michelle’s husband Chuck has asked me to post that she passed away on February 16th. She was only 43 and leaves behind 2 young girls as well. They had a few good moments during the final 2 weeks and her family all got to see her before she passed on. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.



    Hi Michelle, Sorry to hear your having to fight this relentless disease. I’ve had my share of chemo and currently taking a break from it. Well, was until It was decided for me to do radiation. Then I had to go have fluid drained off my right lung. Now feeling pretty good and continuing my break until at the 1st of November. I don’t really think there is any remedie for chemo fatigue Michelle. The only thing I found helpful was to keep my mind and body as busy as possible with out over doing it. Some days I wanted to just lay in bed and do nothing ,but soon founf out that was a not so good habit; Even though I really wanted to. Routine of some type is the best I can suggest. Exercise keeps your body functioning better than sitting or laying around like we often feel like doing. Just going for a walk daily and taking in nature’s beauty refreshes your mind and keeps those body muscles tone, which helps fight the fatigue. I make up a list of things to do every day and check them off as I go. Doing this makes me feel like I ‘m accomplishing something. Well, actually I am but the list keeps me honest with myself about getting up and staying motivated. I still take my nap most of the time. Some times I forget or it gets to late. For the most part it works. I then stay fairly busy on the site and doing research about CC, as I ‘m still a firm believer that hope is in the air. Even if this monster takes me down in the long run, I’m going to have some say in the matter. My wife helps as well by giving me a Honey Do List. Projects in and around the house that I take my time and complete slowly but surely. As difficult as it is punch that positive button (like that Staples Office Supply Store Commercial) and make things move and happen. So what type of chemo regimen are you on right now? Some can be tiring than others for sure. I imagine with 2 girls at home ,they keep pretty busy hey? You still need your time and don’t feel guilty about taking it either. How has your blood work been setting as far as red cells? Another thing is has any discussion about cutting back on dosage of chemo regimen? That can help some times as well. That’s about all I can think of michelle, othe rthan I think it’s called Procrit which has it ‘s own set of possible effects. Maybe discuss with your Oncologist and see if that’s something you maybe can try. Straight cold showers I have done before as well, but not that often as it’s torture when you first turn on the shower. I know I’m a little crazy , always have been according to my wife.
    Don’t know if this is of any help but there is not much to combat this fatigue other than mind over matter and I also use (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique. Time for bed (on time). Look forward to your posts Michelle.

    God Bless,


    Hi Michelle, So glad you found this site. The people here are so kind and understanding and have lots of information to share. I am also a survivor with children still living at home (ages 10 and 14). After the initial shock of being diagnosed with cc the worst part of all was to think that I may not live long enough to watch my babies grow up. That is when I lost it and cried harder than I ever had in my 47 years. Later I got angry and decided to fight like hell to beat this cancer. So far I am doing great 19 months post surgery!/chemo/radiation! Like you fatigue continues to be a royal pain in the neck but my oncologist suggested giving an antidepressant a try. You know after going through so much with all of the changes that happen I figured it COULD help. I’ll let you know if it does help the fatigue other than that get lots of rest when you can. There is no shame in taking a nap or two. Feel free to email me anytime if you’d like to chat God Bless you and your family. deb


    Hi Michelle,
    I’m another one like a few of us here who have this cancer and have children still living at home with us. It helps to be totally honest with the kids, as I’m sure you know. I don’t know any ideas about the fatigue – I’ve been struggling with it myself for over a year now. I guess you just get used to it and go to be early. At least that’s what I do.


    hi michelle.
    Welcome to the site and I am glad it has given you comfort and information. I can not imagine how you and everyone with children must worry. I hope your chemo keeps things in check. Have you talked to anyone about resection or transplant?



    Hi Michelle,
    I’m 43 and was diagnosed in July of this year. Mine also came out of nowhere. I don’t have any children so I can only imagine how tired you must be taking care of 2 young ones plus the chemo fatigue. I’m sorry I don’t have any remedies to offer you.
    I have found this site a HUGE source of comfort and information. The people are all so supportive and caring.
    My husband and I were completely devastated and overwhelmed by this whole thing. My oncologist put me on the anti-depressant Remeron (30mg), to help me sleep and stimulate my appetite. I would say and anti-depressant is a MUST when dealing with cancer. I hope you are on one or will be toot-sweet!
    My chemo drugs are cisplatin and gemcitibine. I finished my second round today, one more to go and then another set of MRI/CT scans. I have not (so far) had to deal with any jaundice. Just the discomfort around my bra line because my liver is enlarged. I also had attempted liver resection in August, but it was not successful, too many tumors in the really wrong places. Don’t get me started on that particular discomfort (ha ha).
    Hang in there and don’t give up!


    Hi Michelle. My sister was diagnosed in March of this year. She is 42 also and has 2 young children. She has tumors on her liver, in her lymph nodes, and in her bones. It’s the worst thing in the world and I am so sorry for you and your family. She was given a year and a half to live. She is doing pretty good right now and handling the chemo great. She gets Gemzar and Xeloda. Her biggest complaint is fatigue and the doctor just prescriped her ritalin to help. She says it does help. Is your situation similar to this?


    Hi!! I was diagnosed in june 2008 with this illiness. It have been very difficult for me as this came out of nowhere. I am 42 and have 2 young girls at home. I have finally been able to get on the site and try to talk about my situation. I am still very overwhelmed by my situation and often feel like my world is spinning out of control but now I feel a little stronger and am trying to reach out to people going through the same thing I am. If anyone has any advice on how to deal with the fatigue from chemo please let me know.

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