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    Hi Kate…

    Thank you…! It really touches my heart to know that my family and I are not alone. I pray hard that I’ll be able to write good news about my father in law one day. He’s still very weak at present and the jaundice is still there. We’re building him up at the same time with all the recommended nutritional diet to prepare him for surgery. I will certainly update his condition here from time to time. I pray that you mum will remain well and strong and all the good things for you and your family…

    :) sya


    Hello Sya!
    My Mum (68) was diagnosed in April this year. Same thing as your Dad, they could not operate due to the jaundice. Luckily they were able to insert a stent to help relieve the jaundice. She had to wait till early June for the operation. They were able to remove the tumour, and also removed the common bile duct, the gall bladder, and the lower section of her liver. She was in hospital for 6 weeks, due to a few complications, but essentially all went very well, and she is fine now, apart from some discomfort around the site where she had various drains in her side. A week ago she returned to the hospital for a check up, and has been given the all clear…..for now! All this happened in Greece.
    I wish you and your Dad all good things. It was a really scary time for me, my Mum has always been so healthy and independant. My wish for you is that in a few months time, you to will be sitting at your PC writing that your Dad has had a sucessful operation!
    Hang in there, stay strong. Much love to you.


    Hi Jules,

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes…we have identified a good hepatobiliary surgeon here who also does liver transplant in Kuala Lumpur. Our other option will be in Singapore. In the meantime, we’re praying hard that his serum bilirubin will come down soon. At present it’s very very high – 500!!! So, there’s no way surgery can be done. His appetite is still very poor and he has become very depressed. But we’re not giving up. After reading about your Dad and all the others in this website, I know there’s always HOPE…

    And I hope, and pray, that God will bless all of us.

    Thank you Jules.



    I am sorry to hear about your father in law, you have found the right site to get support and reliable information.

    My Dad was diagnosed July 05 – hospitalised with jaundice too, they said they would not operate until biblirubin came down. It was a very frightening time. My Dad had an external drain as ERCP procedures to try to insert stents were unsuccessful. His bilirubin DID come down – quite rapidly to begin with and then fluctuated as it fell off further. My Dad in time did feel a bit better as the symptoms of jaundice resolved, he was then able to have surgery. Unfortuantly his first op was not a success, we sought a second opinion and the second surgeon was able to resect the tumor. The best advice I can give you is to FIND A GOOD SURGEON. You need to ask them how many resections like this they do on average per year. This is specialist surgery. We are in the UK, I am unable to recc. a surgeon in Malaysia, you need to do some research.

    My Dad is still with us, he has suffered a recurrance following the surgery however the disease has gone dormant with a radical change of diet and a previous course of chemo. My dad now has a good quality of life. What I want to stress to you is that there is hope, things may look bleak now, this is all a shock to you and it is hard to see someone you care so much about in this situation. Al patients are individuals and some respond to treatment better then others. Surgery is a real chance of cure and you should research throughly the options. I believe that bdc is more common is Malaysia then in the west so you should be able to find a good surgeon.

    Good luck, Jules


    Dear All…

    My name is Sya. My father in-law is 70 years of age and was healthy and fit with no medical problems until recently when he was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. He’s currently hospitalised for jaundice and the surgeons had inserted a drain percutaneously to remove the bile (their attemps to cannulate the bile duct via ERCP failed). There is a plan for surgery but they will only do it once his jaundice subsided. His appetite is very poor and it’s sad to see him deteriorating slowly.

    I was searching through the net looking for alternative treatments for him and I was so happy when I came across this website. I’m from Malaysia. Most of the things that were mentioned are hard to get in my part of the world. I wonder if any of my new friends here can help me…I really want him to get well and continue to do what he has been doing.

    Thank you very much for reading….
    May God bless us all…

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