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  • #43474

    Oh Tom, you really made me laugh this morning. You are a terrific writer. Briosche is also good for what the Italians call ‘ajado” (phoenetic sp) which means upset stomach. Hope Ben is doing gret today!!
    P.S. It might be better for diabetics than all the tablespoons of sugar. Hey! Mary Poppins knew what she as talking about with “a spoonful of sugar”.


    Thanks for the sugar tip. If I hiccup too long, I vomit so having something quick and easy with something we keep in our cabinets is great.



    It’s been 24 hours since Ben’s chemo (Gemzar/Cisplatin combo) and so far he hasn’t experienced much in the way of side effects…no nausea – yea! He did start getting hiccups this afternoon, which somewhat subsided after he at lunch but came back with a vengeance later in the day preventing him from trying to take a nap (he said they were a bit painful).

    So, of course I googled hiccups here and found it’s a common side effect. I saw an old post from JeffG’s (continuing to help so many even though he is gone) where he said they thought it was caused by the steroids (so I will be asking the doctor about that).

    Anyway, I continued to look for a remedy and I found one from our resident stalwart – Lainey who said she had given Teddy something called Brioschi and it worked (which I had never heard of) and of course you have to listen to Lainy.

    So, while I was preparing to race off to the drugstore I did another google search on the internet – and it turns out there is a website called http://www.hiccups.org (go figure). On that website it stated a “tip” from The New England Journal of Medicine which said:

    “Swallow one teaspoon of white granulated sugar….swallow it fast, if the hiccups don’t stop right away do it 3 or more times – once every two minutes”.

    Ben thought I was crazy…he said these are more severe hiccups and that isn’t going to cure them.

    But, he tried it with a teaspoon of sugar – it didn’t work, so I headed to the drugstore in search of Brioschi (in the blue bottle just like Lainy said). I was surprised to find it since neither Ben or I had heard of it, but there it was. Meanwhile, while I was waiting in line to check out – Ben texted and said he tried the sugar again and his hiccups had stopped! Wow – really? Ben was able to take a nap for a couple of hours and so far they still aren’t back (for a total of about 2.5 hours as of this writing).

    Anyway – I went ahead and bought the Brioschi as a backup because you never know, I looked at the bottle – the active ingredient is sodium bicarbonate, but the inactive ingredients are sugar and corn syrup – so that seems like it might help validate the sugar idea.

    Well, we will see how long it all lasts – but I was thrilled to have something work so quickly on what was becoming painful – and I also now have the trusty backup from Lainy!

    I thought I would pass that along since so many people seem to suffer from it so I hope it helps!


    (now off to the halloween party).

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