Hmm, seemed like just another Monday

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    Marion, he passed on early summer. She doesn’t remember him anymore. She dines at a table of 4, the other 3 are men. Nobody talks, although she did recognize us yesterday, she was sitting in the Lobby when we walked in. This place is pretty good. We know these places have their problems but truly show love for the residents.


    Lainy….I thought she had a boyfriend.


    I have heard of Sunrise. Just before we left yesterday to go out for an hour of dining I got a call from the Park Regency that I needed to take Pamper supplies. We have now reached the next level I guess, she “wet” the bed last night. We will take the supplies to her today as she is right near my surgeon
    where I am going for a follow up check up.
    Casa Blanca not only was excellent, their Halloween decorations were outstanding. Got to leave you with this story and hope you all chuckle.
    My mom at 93 1/2 said, when referring to her assisted living, “I just love it here. I feel very safe and everyone is so nice to me. Only problem is, there are not enough men, its mostly women!”


    My mom is at Sunrise on Chandler Blvd. They had a moderate memory impairment unit but she had to move to the secure unit about 7 weeks ago. Let me know how Casa Blanca was. We’ve been once but a friend mentioned it had gone down hill. As a near Chandler native (really) .. I am a sucker for the green enchilada sauce at the original Serrano’s in downtown – I could drink that stuff!



    OMG I forgot you are my neighbor!!!! My mom has been at the Park Regency on Elliot and Price for 4 years now. In August I moved her to the Park Regency Assisted as she has dementia. Then they also have units for the next step. Got a call today that she needs Pampers now. So will make that stop tomorrow. I am almost resentful that I can’t have some peace and time to heal from my own surgery. She LOVES it there. Off to La Casa Blanca to give Mexican a try. Its on McQueen and Riggs. Is your mom at Pennington>


    I think that part of our double whammy is not only did our dad pass away from cc – but having a mom with dementia (or at least the form she has) .. a very slow, progressive decline our loss come in little bits and pieces. Indeed mom never understood that dad had cancer. When we would go to dad’s appointments she would ask the doctor’s if they were going to give him a correction. Today, even simple communication with mom is very difficult and yet she is so STUBBORN which just compounds the challenges.

    Two years still seems like yesterday, nine months likely feels like hours sometimes.

    I don’t mind your long posts – especially those that come with a faith lesson. Sometimes it is very easy to lose faith when facing the challenges we have and do, your reminders are good. Is you mom in an AL nearby? My mom is in Chandler .. just curious.



    BZ without a doubt your dad is right with you, you will learn to look for his signals. If everyone will indulge me I would like to repeat 3 stories about my dad. He passed from natural causes at the age of 93. My mom is now 93 and has dementia and is in Assisted Living. In July Teddy visited the kids and I opted to stay here and move mom to Assisted from her Apartment at the Retirement home. One day I had reached my limit. I worked until 1PM then went over to continue packing up her things, getting rid of some and it had been a hectic week with packing every day. I came home about 800PM and literally fell in to bed. About 2AM I awoke to a faint feeling of feathers all around my face. I smiled and went back to sleep. I honestly believe my dad was thanking me for taking care of mom.
    Second time that I know of was when I set the date for my surgery OCT 1st. There is only 1 hospital we will go to and I was told by the doctors office that my insurance card will not allow me to go there. At exactly the same time, 2AM I felt a tug at the neckline of my nightgown and when I awoke the FIRST thought that came to mind was that the Insurance Company made a mistake. I called them early and sure enough it showed in my history that they had accidentally changed my hospital. I would have never thought of that!!
    Oh one more Because I was going in for this huge surgery I cancelled my colonoscopy. My surgeon said he wanted one anyway and I had it the day before surgery. They found a tumor that did not show up on my Scan and had I not had the colonoscopy I would have had to go in for a second surgery! Yes, maam, someone is watching over me.
    Sorry for the long post, I know some of them can be cumbersome after a while. But I did want you that I am sure your dad is right beside you.


    I come here numerous times every day checking in on everyone and my sister has been gone 9 months:(



    I can so identify with your need to come on the board daily, sometimes more than once daily. I din’t find this site until 5 weeks after my Dad died from this monster of a cancer….

    I’m sure your Dad is watching over you and helping you shape the decisions you are making for your Mum’s future and well being. It is so difficult when you feel the need to share something with your parent and then realise you will never be able to ask their opinion or tell them something important. It is only 4 months for us since we last saw my Dad as he was wheeled into surgery for his unsucessful liver resection….

    Keep doing for your Mum what feels right, your Dad is with you in your heart and lives on for you.
    Thinking of you,



    I don

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