Holidays and winter

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    Thank you so much for the poem. It has eased my heart and lightened my sorrow.
    I know John is with me every day and every night before bed I tell him how much I love and miss him. I will survive this and I know some day i will be with him again.
    God bless you,



    Thank you for posting that beautiful poem. I was sitting here this morning feeling really sad & alone when for some reason I logged back on to the site & saw that you had posted this. As I started to read your post I was thinking that is exactly how I feel. Jim passed on on September 2, so it has been only a little over four months for me & it has been & still is so hard.
    Then I got to the poem. It brought tears to my eyes, but has also lightened my pain & sorrow some & brought me some peace & contentment. I have copied it out & will read it whenever I am feeling down. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us here. Know that you will also be in my thoughts & prayers.



    A difficult time of year for all of us who have lost a loved one. Vivid memories are such wonderful treasures, but they do not diminish the ache in our hearts. It has been 14 months since CC took my dear Jacques from us. I am so fortunate to have two wonderful children who both have great spouses, and also an amazing 9 month old grandson. Even though we all try to make the best of the holidays, each one of us has a tremendous void in our life. Jacques was an amazing husband & father, who is missed more and more each day. Between the holidays and a winter full of ice and snow (and it actually has just begun), the pain and sadness seems more intense.
    You may have read this poem before – but I thought I would post it. My priest read this at Jacques’ 1 year memorial mass in November and he told all of us that he believes that Jacques would write us a very similar letter if he could.
    This was the first time I heard it.
    I may not post often, but know that my thoughts are with everyone.

    A Letter From Heaven by Author Ruth Ann Mahaffey

    To my dearest family, some things I’d like to say.
    But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
    I’m writing this from Heaven.
    Here I dwell with God above.
    Here, there’s no more tears of sadness;
    here is just eternal love.

    Please do not be unhappy just because I’m out of sight.
    Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
    That day I had to leave you
    when my life on earth was through.
    God picked me up and hugged me
    and said, “I welcome you.
    It’s good to have you back again,
    you were missed while you were gone.
    As for your dearest family,
    they’ll be here later on.
    There’s so much that we have to do,
    to help our mortal man.”
    God gave me a list of things,
    that he wished for me to do.
    And foremost on the list,
    was to watch and care for you.
    And when you lie in bed at night,
    the day’s chores put to flight.
    God and I are closest to you…
    in the middle of the night.
    When you think of my life on earth,
    and all those loving years.
    Because you are only human,
    they are bound to bring you tears.
    But do not be afraid to cry:
    it does relieve the pain.
    Remember there would be no flowers,
    unless there was some rain.
    I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
    If I was to tell you , you wouldn’t understand.
    But one thing is for certain, through my life on earth is over.
    I’m closer to you now, than I ever was before.
    There are many rocky roads ahead of you
    and many hills to climb;
    But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
    It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too;
    that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
    If you can help somebody who’s in sorrow and in pain;
    Then you can say to God at night….
    “my day was not in vain.”

    And now I am contented….
    that my life was worthwhile.
    Knowing as I passed along the way
    I made somebody smile.
    So if you meet somebody
    who is sad and feeling low;
    Just lend a hand to pick him up,
    as on your way you go.
    When you’re walking down the street
    and you’ve got me on your mind;
    I’m walking in your footsteps
    only half a step behind.
    And when it’s time for you to go….
    from that body to be free.
    Remember you’re not going…
    your coming here to me.

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