Just got back from a six-day adventure in the hospital. I was away from home for the weekend, started feeling stomach cramps, Monday I was still feeling lousy and drove myself home (100 mi) and went straight to bed only to go to the ER at 2 a.m. and then have a very exciting 30 mile ambulance ride and emergency surgery Tuesday. My appendix had burst on Saturday! Nobody could believe I was still running around with that, but I guess having cc makes you extra-super-tough and able to put up with things.
The interesting part is every time I told a doctor I have cc (before the surgery) they said, oh, that’s what’s causing it and I said NO IT IS NOT!! And I was right. When they looked inside there were no additional tumors– just a lot of nasty infection.
And isn’t it funny how having cc can make even a thing like a burst appendix and six days in the hospital seem like not such a big deal?!
OK, I’m going back to bed… The first place I came when I went online was to check in here and see how all of you are doing.
Blessings to all of you!