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  • #36680

    I’m so glad your dad’s feeling good – that’s wonderful news!! Thanks for keeping us posted & please let us know how the scan & consultation go.

    My very best wishes to you & your family.



    Hi Jen,

    Thanks for the latest update on your dad and I am so glad to hear that he is feeling a bit better. Great news! Yes the waiting game gets to us all. Waiting for treatment, waiting for apps and waiting for news! I guess we have all been there!! Also good to hear about your dads mental attitude and this will definitely help him along this road.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    That is great news!


    Thank you so much for the support. Honestly right now it’s the waiting! But dad is feeling good, he’s working, he’s working out, staying strong and has a great mental attitude!

    I’ll keep you posted!


    Hi Jen,

    Thanks for the update on your dad. Your description of this being a rollercoaster ride is so very true and is one that all of us can relate to. I hope that your dads CT scan on the 6th will give you all some good news and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Jen and thanks for the update. Yes, please let us know what the CT Scan shows and what the game plan is to be. Once there is a game plan everyone begins to feel better and start the fight to a recovery. Stay strong and let us know.


    Hello all,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted I’ve not seen anything from my sis so I think it’s been a while for her as well.

    Our dad was diagnosed on Jan 2 (Happy New Year) and it’s been a roller coaster ride to say the least. After our many visits with many doctors we finally have found one that might take a shot at removing the tumor.

    We’ve been told that due to the location of the tumor and the portal vein that it was inoperable and that PDT, Radiation and Chemo were the only possibilities. Needless to say we are ever hopeful! Dad goes in for another CT scan on the 6th and consult with the surgeon immediately to follow.

    Thank you to everyone for all of your support we’ll keep you posted on what they say.


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