hopeless 5fu?

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More hopeless 5fu?

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    Hi Lilly,

    My wife, whose Liver Cancer has mets’d to her lungs, is on 5 FU w/ Leucovorin + Irenotecan. The Irenotecan proved too rough for her so our Onc dropped it but continued on the rest. A new scan, 9/12/08 showed her Liver Tumor’s growth was slowing. The Lecovorin, as I understand it, is to help the 5 FU & Irenotecan work.

    So end result = not a cure but can extend life is what they are telling us. Her bilirubin is 5.5, too high to continue on Irenotecan but ok for the 5 FU. My wife has tolerated the 5 FU pretty well, is very tired and sleeps a lot but can eat pretty well if she eats 6-7 small meals per day. Now they will insert a drain next week trying to help lower her bilirubin. If they can get that down, perhaps they can resume the Irenotecan.

    BTW, this Chemo routine was suggest to us by M D Anderson, after our visit there. It is used primarily on Colon Cancer with some success. They are trying this on my wife to see if it will have any effect on CC. The plan is to slow, to then stop, to then reverse the tumor growth.

    I don’t mean this to be negative because we are happy to have a plan that could work. I would approach it the same way with your husband, if I were you.

    We pray you find success in this treatment.



    Hi Lilly… Me give up? Not a chance. Just taking a few months break and then will approach something else I’m sure. There are some new experimental protocols popping up as we post. Being indiviuals is what makes us so unique and in this game can make a huge difference.

    Prayers and Support,

    Jeff G.


    hi jeff…I’m sorry you are going through this and the treatment didn’t work.i hope it works for my dad…i heard everyone is diferent.i know that i don’t know you but i don’t want you to give up!please try something else…i’ll be praying for you too…
    god bless you!


    Hi Lilly… I have tried 5-fu and leucovarin. It was the last combination I tried , I personally had no results other than harshness and side effects. I actually stopped the treatment as I felt it was causing me more pain and dicomfort than it was doing me any good. Maybe I was to quick to respond that way ,but my own body disagreed with it and that was it. Different chemos work differently on different people , I still believe that and still remain hopeful that someone will benefit from these chemo regimens. If fact some people do ,but not tward this particular disease. I’m sorry that your Dad and family have to endure this relentless disease and wish only the best for you all.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    hi everyone…we got the results of my dad’s ct…it’s bad…besides his liver mets,now he has ascites,and the disease is progressing to his stomach area and lungs…he’s been sleeping and coughing a lot…also losing his apetite…he was on gemzar/oxaliplatin but the dr. stopped.no longer working…he’ll start my dad on 5fu with i think leucovarin…does anybody know anything about this….do we have a chance?his onc. is hopeless…but i believe in a god of miracles…my dad is only 50.dx 12/07,wipple 01/07 and now this…i’m scared…

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