Discussion Board Forums General Discussion HOSPICE MISSION UPDATE

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    I got a call last night from Susan, Director of the Hospice where Teddy stayed. She saw the video we made and put on You Tube as I am sure someone steered her to it, which is fine. She started out by telling me that she thought it was a wonderful video and that the Board of Directors has decided to use it as a training tool for their 1,800 employees.
    my thought: it will do no good if you continue to hire unfeeling people.
    Two of the 3 Nurses have been fired, the 3rd is still being investigated.
    my thought: how and why would 3 different nurses 3 different shifts do the same things.
    Susan said that in her 17 years on the Hospice Board there have been 4/5 other cases like ours. (Mmmmm) One wife who got very angry is now working for them? Susan would like to set up a meeting as she has an idea how this woman may be able to help Robin and me. OK. I am game and Sandy our lawyer/advocate is going to call Susan tomorrow and set up the meeting.
    Susan asked me what it is I want to see happen. I said NO MORE inhumane passing like Teddy. A little compassion for the family AND I want to get my “Precious Moments” back that they stole from me.

    We are almost there! I will keep you posted.

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