Hospice Questions-Any Suggestions

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    Crissie – So sorry that your Dad is feeling that way. Anger I can understand. I spent a lot of time that way too…..so did Mark at times. As for feeling that they aren’t listening to him, they may not be. Sometimes medical professionals get wound up in trying to “cure” everything that they forget to listen to the patient.
    It may be time to sit down and discuss with your dad exactly what he wants. If they could make him feel better would he want to continue the chemo or is he done all the way around? If he wants to continue then I would make an appt with the doc/NP and sit down and explain what your concerns are (make a written list). You may have to get rude to get them to listen all the way through. Ask them to wait to answer until you are done. There are meds like Ritalin that can be used to increase energy or an anti-depressant or medications to increase appetite such as Megace. Ask if there are other medications for nausea (we used Zofran, prochlorperazine and Ativan but there are more).Then listen to what they say.
    Your dad may still elect to have hospice and as Lainy said it’s pretty easy to deal with the. And yes they will help with pain, nausea and any other needs he may have. Their goal is comfort so ANYTHING that will help with that they are up for.
    Hang in there and keep us posted.



    Dear Crissie, I am so sorry about your Dad, a patient somehow knows and you should call the ONC and tell him just how Dad is feeling.
    Hospice is easy. If the ONC agrees he makes the call and they come out usually in a day or two and will interview you and Dad. They then become your go to people for everything. We had them come out beginning August 15 and Teddy made it to Dec 10. They bring the necessary Meds and anything else you request. I ordered a hospital bed and set it up in the bright airy living room where the big TV was. Also plenty of room for the Nurses and visitors. I also ordered a walker and later a wheelchair and Oxygen. The Oxygen actually relaxes the body and aids in pain relief. With a hospital bed it is more comfy and if he feels weak he can use the rails to get up and down easier. One more suggestion, see if they have a lambs sheet. It really is soft on the back for patients laying a lot. They usually start out with visits 2 X a week and increase visits if necessary. Is Dad home alone? Best of luck and let us know what happens.


    I talked to my dad today. He is angry…well angry is an understatement. He doesn’t feel well and is on oxaliplatin and 5FU. He says he goes from bed to the couch and vice versa. This is his first round of this chemo. He says if he doesn’t feel better he is going to stop. He says the NP doesn’t listen to him, doctors dont do anything, wants to just die….

    I am thinking of maybe starting (or suggesting) Hospice to him. Can they prescribe pain, nausea meds? Any other ideas? I think he is not going to last with this. He is always angry and he has a right…..this cancer is horrible.

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