how do I get to the blogs ? Crap I am so inept with this thing

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! how do I get to the blogs ? Crap I am so inept with this thing

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    Robyn – From any page on the site, click on “wiki” and you will be taken to a new page, on the “wiki” page towards the bottom right you will see a light green box that say “popular pages” and under that “family blogs” click on “family blogs’ and you will be taken to them. The blogs are great, I have learned so much from reading other experiences. On a sad note, most of the people the blogs are about have lost their fight with this horrible cancer. I am planning on adding my husbands blog, and encourage others to do the same. Colleen


    There was a post giving instructions on getting to the blogs and I tried and did not make it (sounds like its a long journey instead of poking digits with fingers) Anyway, can someone get me there? Thanks robyn

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