How does a person get this disease?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion How does a person get this disease?

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    I wish we knew too. I have always been a healthy eater, never smoked and have a drink very rarely. The diagnosis was mind boggling for me since I thought I took such good care of myself. Your Mom is doing awesome!


    It’s not fair at all…my mom runs marathons! Never eats anything processed EVER!!! Washes veggies fruit etc. doesn’t touch red meat???? Doesn’t touch sweets?!?!? 3 months after her resection she is undergoing chemo and is STILL running almost daily!! Last week she ran 8 miles one day….she said her time stunk but still 8 miles?? It just blows my mind??? I read so much that most cancers are lifestyle not genetic??. Just wish we had a clue.


    I, too, was healthy most of my life. I had allergies, and a cervical pre-cancerous condition years ago. A quit smoking in 1996. I was a social drinker.
    While no one knows how many of us get this disease, there are risk factors.
    People with gastro problems are at higher risk. I believe this includes reflux.
    People in Thailand who have eaten the river fluke are at the greatest risk.
    They have now come out with new guesses as to who are at higher risk, and, surprisingly, people in the printing/photo developing field may be at greater risk. For some reason, in the U.S., the left and right coasts have more cc patients.
    Personally, I worked in the printing industry all of my adult life. So did a few of the cc members I have met. I have met many from the east coast.

    And Daisy, tell them that veggies are great! The best foods to fight any cancers. It’s sushi, processed foods, and sugars they have to stay away from! lol So no McDonalds or Burger King anymore!! :)


    I have no idea. My dad smokes and he got it…

    He has always had good blood work and never has been sick. It is so strange. My dad is 66 and just retired then got the diagnosis. Life is not fair.


    I know it should not matter because it can’t change anything but does anyone know how CC is contracted?? My mom was this epitome of health and my kids now say if their grandma who is super healthy got this than why should they eat their veggies?? I provide them with an appropriate response for a child….but I am looking for an answer too??? Has anyone out there got a clue?

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