How fast the disease can take your loved one

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    I am so sorry for your loss & know first hand what you & your family are going through.

    Everything you posted is so close to what my husband & I, along with our family, experienced. I keep saying that he died only 7 weeks from his first symptoms, but after reading your post & thinking back, he also had some slight pain in his legs & tiredness for several weeks before that for which the doctors could not find a cause. This disease is so unpredictable & it is different for everyone. I take some comfort in the fact that my husband & your mother-in-law did not suffer for too long & are now in a better place no longer suffering or in pain. She is now reunited with the love of her life. Right now I feel that is the only thing I truely look forward to. I know they will be in our hearts & memories forever, but that does not make it any easier for those of us left behind. When it happens so quickly it is all so surreal. After over 6 months I still have a hard time believing this has really happened.

    This site and all the wonderful caring people on it along with the belief that our loved ones are still near by watching over us are what gives me the strength to go on. Hopefully this will be comforting to you also.

    Know that you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    How sad I am to hear of your mother-in-laws passing. How lucky you were to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. How many people can ever say that. I truly believe that such a wonderful person never leaves her children behind as she will always be in your fondest memories and in you heart. Mom’s always watch over their children, only her house has changed. Please accept our sincerest prayers for you and your family.


    My mother-in law a pretty healthy women for the most part. Never complained about much, so when she started complaining in January of pain in her legs and just plain not feeling well, we should have known that something was wrong. She was in the proscess of being worked up by per PCP when on Feb 7th 2009 she sufferd a minor stroke which sent to the hospital with all her kids in the ER Room waiting to hear what was going on, she had lost her ability to speak and feeling on right side was gone. They ran every test imaginable on her EKG, Pulmonary test, Ct scans MRI, Blood test galore. everything normal except the ct scan which showed an 11cm mass in the liver ran Bx of that and came back with the result of cholangiocarcinoma. This was something that none of us were ready to hear but thought we can get through this just a small bump in life but she got all her kids grandkids and great grandchildren love to support her. She was discharged from the Hospital to a Reheb because of the stroke she neede to get stronger in order to start palliative chemo therapy. Well she never got that chance she passed away March 7th a month after being admitted to the Hospital. She was 68 yrs old , she went on to be with her only true love since she was ten. When she lost her husband in 2006 she was truly heartbroken and they now are back together.That is was has got me through this ordeal. I know she is not suffering , no longer is in pain because it was very painfull for her constantly on pain meds every two hours. It all happend so fast it just doesnt seem real. She was at our house the week before going to the hospital enjoying a family gathering saying this year our luck was going to change. unfortunatlly it did change our strength our rock is gone. She is home but ones that are left behind are the one who suffer, we are the one in pain for our mother who has always been there for us. I think I had the BEST Mother in law ever. she will be missed

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