How long can you be on chemo

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    Sorry you have to wait so long for results, Shel. It is the worst!! I am hoping for the best.



    Ah, Shel, the old scanxiety game! I am fortunate to be going to MDA Phoenix as I get my scan 1 day, for my Cancer, then the next day the results! Hoping for the very best for you all on Friday!


    Ultra sound showed no fluid it belly but they said they seen dilation in one of the biliary ducts. Now Friday he goes in for a ct scan just to check things out. All liver levels and bili levels are still normal. Only bad thing is he gets the ct scan and they make you wait a whole week before he gets results. Can’t stand that. So scan on 15 results the 22nd.



    I know the waiting is difficult and I hope the new on Friday is good. Lots of good thoughts coming your way.




    I just wanted to let you know that I hope you get good news Friday. I know it is so hard to wait for results. Please know that I care.



    Thank you, it’s so nice having a place where people know what your going through. I don’t know what I would do without the support and advice from everyone on here.


    shel…I agree with Willow – you have a tidal wave of support heading your way – can you feel it?



    Thinking of you and your husband. Hang in there as you await the rest if the results. You have lots of support here.


    Doctors office just called, no results yet from ultra sound but the Ca19-9 results were in and it went up again. It was 72 then 98 now 145. I don’t know what to make of it. Suppose to see the doc Friday. Praying its not bad news.


    Shel….Great news on the liver levels are in the normal range. Fluid in the belly can be removed with paracentesis. It is a minimally invasive procedure using a needle to remove fluid from the abdomen. We have numerous reports on this procedure.
    Your husband got over the flu rather quickly – one week only. Considering the severity of this year’s flue outbreak many people I know are sick for weeks on end.
    Fingers are crossed (Lainy crosses her eyes too) that tons of good news will be heading your way.



    My husband just had CA19-9 checked again last Friday. He ended up sick with the flu going around so they waited an extra week before checking. So now when he went in Friday the 31st they decided to orderan ultra sound because they thought his belly is looking too extended. I didn’t get to go to the appointment with him but they told him they were looking for fluid in the belly or to see if its the cancer spreading. All liver levels are normal but they said they still wanted to see if it spread. I guess it will be a few days before we get any results. So I’m trying not to get myself too worked up and trying not to think the worse but it sure is hard and scared to death.


    What did you find out about the CA-!9-9 numbers for your husband?
    Mine went up over the normal range last summer and I panicked. Marion told me that it was too soon to decide anything. It’s down to 13.5 now. I have asked several times over the past 6 months what could cause the rise. I got the answer, “We don’t know. Something environmental.” That was the answer twice. The last time was another “We don’t know. It can be caused by scar tissue.” I didn’t ask for an explanation of that. Maybe I should. The doctor took it as a sign to watch closely for awhile, but he wasn’t alarmed by it, and it did go down again. I know the feelings you are going through. It is VERY hard……
    Sending you warm thoughts. Please let us know what has been happening the past couple of weeks. Maybe you have and I’ve missed the post.


    We have seen a few doctor. Even seen one from the U of M and they told us his only option now was chemo. It’s so hard to set here and feel helpless. Life’s just not fair. Thank you everyone for your thoughts, I appreciate.


    If the chemotherapy works,most of time,if it is required ,it will be continuing the same chemotherapy till “disease progress or intolerable side effects occur. And if it does not work, they will try to switch to other regimen and continue the journey of treatment.
    46 years old is by any standard too young not to be treated. New therapies comes out every year;take a chemo vacation now and then if doctor agrees and continue the fighting;be proactive by learning about this disease;find a new way to forget the unfortunate events and reinvent a new strategy to appreciate what is left. I am trying to do exactly what I said above and I am 63. I know it is very tough not to be sad and angry about “why me”. But if this is the road I have to travel on, I have no choice but find the best guide book and God’s blessing to go ahead. It may not get there, but I know I have try my best for me as well as for my family and friends like your husband.
    God bless.


    Second opinions are like a breath of fresh air. May be time for another set of eyes on this one. If you don’t get answers to your questions after trying repeatedly, ask someone else. Best luck on this one, I know nothing medical, but I ask a lot of questions and expect answers, discussion, etc.

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