How long can you be on chemo

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion How long can you be on chemo

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    Dear Shel, have you sought a second opinion. I know that no one really knows anybodies time limit but I personally feel if he is mentally strong enough and wants to know that he has a right to a good guesstimate. That is my own personal opinion.
    My Teddy’s tummy was also always rounded and he would like pat it but he didn’t have pain. If not a second opinion perhaps you could ask the ONC about a break. Of course you have a hard time believing, it IS a bad nightmare. Be strong!


    Lainy, my husbands 46. His cancer came back last year in June. The only thing they told us that for him to do chemo to help prolong his life. I don’t know how much longer its suppose to prolong it. He asked his onc doc 2 weeks ago how long they thought he would have to be on chemo and they told him he would be on some type for the rest of his life. He expects the to tell him how long he had but they won’t. He’s not in bad shape and to look at him you really can’t tell. It’s just he’s getting tired of the chemo and even though he’s been off the cisplatin he’s experiencing a lot of side effects from it. He’s always been the type of person that’s had to be busy doing something and he’s having a hard time adjusting to getting tired from doing not much of anything. Now his tumor marker jumped a little that’d bothering him. The nurse told us not to worry about it because sometimes them markers don’t mean anything. His belly is really round but we have been told its nothing and the last ct a month and half ago showed nothing. He’s always feeling his stomach. I ask him if its bothering him and he says no. Sometimes I just have a hard time believing this is all happening. Just seems like a bad nightmare.
    I’m glad this discussion group is here, it sure helps.


    Dear Shel, I can’t give you a precise answer but I know that sometimes the ONCs will make changes in the Chemo or give little breaks. I think the best one to ask would be the ONC. I am sorry I forgot, but how old is your hubby? Stay strong.


    My husband wanted me to ask if anyone has an idea how long a person can be on chemo? He’s thinking that eventually his body will get immune to the chemo or take a toll on his body. We were told he would be on some form of chemo for the rest of his life and he’s wondering if its worth it. Especially with the side effects. Anyone have any ideas?

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