How long for stent to work?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion How long for stent to work?

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    Quote my surgeon “You didnt get this way in a day, you wont get better in a day. It takes time”

    Basically, your body needs to flush itself of all the bile it stashed places. I know that when I was literally up to my yellow eyes in the stuff, I always felt better when I drank tons of water. I think it helped get rid of it when I peed.



    Hi Andie,

    Sounds like your dads billi levels are falling well and hopefully this will continue now that he has his new stent in place. My dad had the metal stent and this worked well for him once it was in place. As Marion says, a healthy appetite and generally feeling good are good signs. My dad had a little bit of pain for a few days after the stent was put in, but this was well controlled with meds. And I always knew when my dad was feeling good, as he was always hungry!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Andie….from what we have seen on this board, the levels should continue to drop. Your Dad’s feeling of wellbeing coupled with his healthy appetite all are good signs. Stay positive.
    Best wishes,


    My Dad had a stent put in yesterday, his first one didn’t work. Does anyone know how long it will take to work. His levels were 456 last week and they are 276 today. We need to get to 50 for chemo to start. (sorry not sure what these levels are, think dad said they were his bilrubin levels??) He has also had an external drain fitted which has got to be clipped off, not sure why?

    Good new is he still feels well in himself and is still hungry and in no pain.

    Thank you

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