How much time is left?

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    Dear Karen, welcome to our wonderful family and we are so sorry you had to find us. This is probably the most unpredictable Cancer with lots of twists and turns. The most we know at this point is that we know not much and that everyone does react different to treatments. There is no way at all to predict how long someone will live. We have members who have done nothing and are past their supposed date. We learn rather quickly that we are not born with expiration dates. More important is, how many patients your doctor has had experience with. What is his prognisis and have you had a 2nd opinion? Has the chemo budged the tumor at all? I am not surprised that your Mom only had gas pains. CC is a sneaky one and most people do not know they have it until later. Be strong for your Mom and please keep us posted on how she is doing.


    Karen: Welcome to the site that no one really wants to join, myself included. However now that you are here, please continue reading and learning about CC. No one has an expiration date stamped on their butt!

    My husband Tom was given 6 months, and that was 15 months ago! You will learn that CC is just like a roller coaster, lots of twists and turns, ups and downs. My Tom has had a few setbacks after his initial liver resection surgery. 18 months later it was discovered that he had an inoperable tumor (that is when he was given the 6 months timeframe) – he was also not given any other options. We ‘fired’ that oncologist, got more opinons and went with radiation and then oral chemo. The ‘new’ tumor has totally blocked the bile duct and he now has an exernal drain to keep him from being so yellow, but it’s a small price to pay to still have him here with me. He did have some IV chemo for about 2 months, and his new oncologist would like him to continue on that, but he’s pretty much decided that he may not continue with the IV chemo…after fighting this cancer for three years now I think he’s choosing quality over quantity….he’s getting tired of all the doctors poking and prodding! But he may change his mind on that, it’s his choice.

    In your mom’s case, get another opinoin with a doctor that is familiar with CC. Do your research, write down your questions to ask the doc’s. What does your mom want? Does she want chemo/radiation? Is she comfortable with her doc? Is surgery a possibility?

    Whatever decision your mom makes – it is her choice and you have to be prepared to support her decision. And that may be hard! No one wants to see their parent sick, no one wants their parent to pass on. Even me, with my husband, I still want him to fight this! But only he knows how much he can take, so I stand by whatever decision he makes and support him – but it’s because I love him and do not want him to suffer…

    Go with God, prayers coming your mom’s way from Wisconsin.



    Karen – There is no way anyone here can tell you what the future will hold for your Mom. This disease affects everyone so differently an we hate to predict for anyone. Is the chemo reducing the tumor size at all? Where is she being treated? If she is feeling well….keep up whatever you are doing!!! Keep us posted and we’ll try to answer all questions as we move along. Hugs – Nancy


    My beautiful 76 yr old mother was diagnosed apx 1 yr ago with cholangiocarcinoma. It was a shock to us all since her only symptom was gas pains. She has a 12 cm right liver mass with recent CT scan today showing-ascites, pleural effusion, lesions on left lobe of liver and lung lesions. She has had a good quality of life this last year taking Gemzar. Her kidney function prohibited other chemo drugs ie Cisplatin.
    I know this is not the news we all wanted since we were hoping for a miracle. Does anyone have any experience with what we can expect for her future? We need all the help and advice we can get!

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