How to qualify for liver transplant with prior cancer?

Discussion Board Forums Surgery, Resection & Transplant Treatment Options How to qualify for liver transplant with prior cancer?

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    Lola….I so much understand your thoughts. A liver transplant for our loved ones seems to be the answer however; only a select few qualify for a transplant. The criteria is rigid and strictly adhered to otherwise, dear Lola, the immune suppressants will hinder the patient’s response to chemotherapy if and when the cancer returns.
    Try to stay hopeful. Much still needs to be determined in your Mom’s case.
    Hugs and love,


    My mom has cc, she’s 70. They told her she doesn’t qualify for a liver transplant because she’s had breast cancer within the last five years. They are also doing a PET scan tomorrow to see there’s any mets.

    Is there anywhere I call or go that will be willing to put my mom on a transplant list? Yes, I’m trying to work around the system, I’m desperate to save my mom. I’m even thinking of being a living donor if I can.

    How do you get on a transplant list?

    Thank you,

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