How to take this

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    Lauren’s has always been .20 and last time it was .30 and she freaked out. That is about the lowest you can get!! You worry too much. The CA19-9 number is super terrific. Yay!!!! Take care.

    Love, -Pam


    Lol ok kris. Mine was hanging around .50, but you know me. I worry about everything.


    Tiffany: The bilirubin is another way of knowing if the liver is tolerating chemo. I wouldn’t worry about it. Mine is usually around 0.8-1.
    And it can drop depending on what you eat, etc.
    Celebrate your wonderful CA-19-9 numbers and don’t sweat the bilirubin, okay??


    Less than 1.0 is normal in the states. So, I’m still in normal range, but I don’t like to see it go up!


    Hi Tiff, Definately the dropping of the ca 19-9 is reason to celebrate! Not sure how your bilirubin numbers work in the states so not sure how high that reading is. Did you ask your doctor about it? As bilirubin goes up it indicates the liver is working harder to rid the body of toxins. Chemo can cause higher than normal bilirubin numbers, so may not be indicative of the disease. Hope this helps. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Nancy


    My CA 19-9 dropped 25 points in less than a month. It’s now at a 33!!

    But I’m starting to worry about my total bilirubin, it’s now at 0.70. It seems to be slowly getting higher. Do I need to worry about this?

    Is the dropping ca19-9 a reason to celebrate?

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