Hurricaines and Cancer…article in NY Times

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  • #66280

    Willow, so much thanks for this heart touching story! What a blessing this man is and a real survivor of Leukemia. People do come through in bad times. Thanks again!


    I was especially touched by the kindness of strangers in NY when I read this comment related to article above. I remember the gas rationing days!

    “My two-year-old son’s fierce regimen of chemo for leukemia coincided with the gas rationing of 1979-80. He had to be at the hospital for chemo or radiation nearly every day, and was rushed there often for life-threatening pneumonias. When I told the gas station owner why we needed gas he said: “Leave your car parked here tonight.” When we returned in the morning the tank was full and there was a lollipop on the car seat. He did this as many times as we needed. The hospital parking lot attendant stopped charging us. He said our smile was enough. My son was NY City’s child, too. Thirty-six this year, he’s a kind man, always willing to help others. Keep on, lovely Suleika, you’re helping, too.”


    This article hit on the head how disruption by natural disasters affect those with health issues. Also found the comments posted helpful (well all but the one shaming and correcting the author saying “Sandy wasn’t a hurricaine, get your facts straight”.)

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