Husband (37) with a reoccurence of cholangiocarcinoma

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husband (37) with a reoccurence of cholangiocarcinoma

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    I,like the others, welcome you to the site. Reoccurance is likely with this cancer. I had aresectionin Jan 07 and my reoccurance can almost exactly 2 years later. I am having “fun” on xeloda and oxilaplatin with the hopes of shrinking it and having more surgery. Such is life.

    Battling cc is a full time job and your husband will need you to be his fighting partner adn number1 advocate.

    Bet ofluck.



    Hi Donnie & Dawn and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join.
    My husband had a Whipple 4 years ago at the age of 73. That surgery alone is something else, is it not? We opted for no chemo or radiation at the time as the doctor got it all and 5 doctors all said it will not help for that area and why make him more sick. It did return where his duodenum used to be April of 08 and with radiation to shrink it and then cyber knife last December we got it zapped. If you look up under Lainy you can see the road we have traveled. For right now the best advise I can give you is to read as much as you can on this site about CC. The more familiar you are with it the less frightened you will be as it is a very strange animal. You will then go into a fight mode and become your husbands best advocate and that over takes the scare as well. At this point we have adopted the role of vigilantes with LAB work every month and the Oncologist every other month. You have to have a lot of hope to get through this. Please feel free to come here often to ask, vent or advise. Also please keep us posted.


    Donnie & Dawn,
    I am glad you found us also. I was diagnosed in Oct 07 and did chemo as surgery was not an option. After 7 rounds of gemzar/xeloda the tumor shrank and I had a resection in June 08. My Dr did not want to do follow up chemo. I had clear scans until June 09 when they found a 2cm tumor in my liver and multiple spots on both lungs. I have been on gemzar only for the last 2 months. I have been having to get Neulasta shots and cant take those with the xeloda so they stopped it. I go for my first post reoccurance/on chemo scan this Friday so I will know more on Monday when I get the results. You will find alot of support here and lots of information. You can do a search for specific drugs or treatments to see past posts. Also, if you post a question I’m sure you’ll get someone that will have some info.
    Many of us also use alternative supplements/treatments to battle this disease. Is your husband doing anything with supplements/nutrition? Try and keep a positive attitude. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    God Bless,


    I am so glad to find this sight. My husband was dx with cholangiocarcinoma in July of 2007. He under went a whipple procedure in October of 2007 and it was sucessful. He did radiation and chemo from February 2008 until CT’s show no evidence of disease in November 2008. In February 2009 he had a reoccurence with the tumor in the liver. The scan was also showing another spot at his portal vein where the tumor had previously been removed in 2007. He started chemo again in March and the first scan they did in Apri which was a PET scan showed that the tumor had shrunk but then the CT scan in June showed that the tumor had gotten bigger than it was orginally. His CA19-9 which is the tumor marker blood work has went from 84 to 2863 in the past eight weeks. His current chemo is gemzar and oxiliplatin. Things have been very difficult to take in as I am only 29 and he is 37. We have 3 boys age 10, 5, and 19mths. I am very thankful to have found a place where I can talk with others about the same type of disease. I am curious as to what type pf treatments that anyone is having and how they are working four you.

    Thanks for eveything!

    Donnie & Dawn

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